4 AUGUST 1917, Page 11


Sreemon."1 Sin.—May I ask the hospitality of your columns to request your readers to suspend their judgment in the Private Brightmore case. in consequence of which, according to the Under-Secretary of the War Office, two deserving officers, Brigadier-General Elliot and Major Grinishaw, were suspended although they had no knowledge or real re,ponsibility in the case? The feeling is very strong at Grimsby and Cleethorpea that a gross injustice has been com- mitted. and I have no hesitation in asserting from information in any possession that the allegations which the Under-Secretary stated in the louse of Commons were "substantially correct" are utterly false, and can be proved to be so by witnesses on oath before any Court of Inquiry or properly constituted judicial Tribunal. I will refrain for the present from further comment as the O.O.C. of the Northern Command at York has no doubt already sent a full and accurate report of all the circumstances of the Brightmore case to the War Office. I would only further mention that whilst General Elliot's services in the Army can be seen in the Army List, Major Grinishaw had served with credo.' for many years in the Army as a non-commissioned officer when he retired and wont into business, but at the outbreak of war he at once enlisted and has received rapid and well-deserved promo- tion to the rank of Major, and I am credibly informed that previous to the Brightmore case he had been noted for the com- mand of a battalion.—I am, Sir, &e.,