[To THE EDITOR Cr THE SPECTLTOR."1 Sui,—On June 9th you printed a letter of mine on the subject of footgear for British prisoners of war in Germany. I have just received a letter from the Central Prisoners of War Committee as follows t- " DEM Sta,—With reference to your letter dated the 28th July. the War Office has agreed, in the case of officers, to allow leather to ba sent to prisoners of war for the repair of boots, on (sedition: (1) That the leather should only be sent on the request of the individual officer. (2) That the application should give some evi- dence of the number of pairs of boots in the possession of the officer. (9) That means to repair the boots exist in the camp at which he is confined.—Yours truly, - L. large, Secretary." If you will kindly insert this letter it maybe a great boon to the relatives of those prisoners who are in the some predicament as