[To Tad Erma cc sae "Sezereem."1
Sue—Through an oversight. I have only just seen a letter signed by the Rev. II. C. Perry in your issue of June 30th, in which he says that work done by the clergy in Church Army huts in France could be done as well, if not better, by professional grocers. Not by way of seising further controversy, but as a simple act of justice to the clergy who have sacrificed much to serve our soldiers in our huts in France without pay or rank, will you allow me to say that this statement on Mr. Perry's part shows that he has evidently not grasped the position of the clergy who arc acting as hut workers? They have abunclgut opportunities, not only of sup- plying the men's material wants, but of getting in touch with them morally AIRti spiritually. It is only fair to our clerical - workers to say that with few, if any, exceptions they have risen to their opportunities and made the best possible use of them.—
I am, Sir, &c., WILSON Cessene, HMI. Chief Secretary. The Church Army. 55 Brganston Street, Marble Arch, W./.