Films and Monopoly The Report of the Cinematograph Films Council
on " Tenden to Monopoly in the Cinematograph Film Indultry " has now submitted to the President of the Board of Trade. Their finding " vertically integrated combines " of producing, distributing exhibiting companies have developed in this country in a m which is opposed to the public interest will be contested by few trade, groups outside those implicated. The many recommendati which the Report makes to the Government for the curtailing monopolistic development and the protection of the independ producer (and of the public) are the product of thorough inves don and sound economic analysis. They include the setting up a Film Finance Corporation under Government sponsorship, link with a distributing organisation designed to prevent good pendently-produced British films from being squeezed out of cinemas here and overseas. The J. Arthur Rank "Empire," the American companies operating in this country, are the two p cipal targets of the Report. Part of the problem is how to s official checks here and official stimulus there without institu official control anywhere.