3 AUGUST 1944, Page 23


fifty-ninth annual general meeting of Harland and Wolff, Limited, held on July 27th at the Grand Central Hotel, Royal Avenue, Belfast. . Charles J. G. Palmour (chairman of the company) presided. e secretary, Mr. A. T. Marshall, read the notice convening dre ung and report of the auditors. e chairman referred briefly to the large programme of work being ied out at the company's various establishments, but said he was still ble under existing conditions to make any general review of the Pany's activities. He therefore formally moved the adoption of the rt and accounts. Frederick Rebbeck seconded the resolution, which was carried mously. e chairman said that in view of statements which had appeared in Press he thought it right he should inform members that suggestions the reorganisation of the company's capital have been submitted to board by a majority of the present holders of " A " shares. e retiring directors, Mr. William Strachan, Jr., Mr. Atholl Blair V. Dunlop, were re-elected ; and the auditors, Messrs. Price erhouse and Co., were reappointed.