Portrait of the week Mr Macmillan decided to give up
grouse-shooting, and Wilfred Pickles gave up Have a Go. while Mr Heath fell off his yacht into the sea off Broadstairs. The Public Accounts Committee found that various projects from Buccaneer aircraft to the new Scot- land Yard had cost too much, and Mr Wilson, a former chairman of the Committee, took it all per- sonally. The report of the Aberfan Tribunal came rout, saying the Coal Board was rightly to blame. Sentences on the Rolling Stones were quashed in the High Court, and Mick Jagger was interviewed on ry with suitable deference by the editor of The Times, a former Home Secretary. and the Bishop of Woolwich. President de Gaulle -repeated his desire to lead Quebec to freedom, but his offer was received without enthusiasm in Canada and earned him a stinging rebuke from Le Monde. Mr Gwynfor Evans called for an end to the French tyrant's rule in Brittany.
U Thant advised a settlement in Vietnam and called the continuation of the war 'totally un- necessary.' President Johnson disagreed. Civil war seemed possible in China, where something nasty :happened in Wuhan though nobody knew quite what. In Rhodesia Mr Smith said bogies like Wilson were of no consequence, while nearer home the Isle of Man threatened to declare UD1. Race riots continued in the us, and there were earthquakes in 'Caracas. Guerrillas from all over the world gathered for their first conference. in Cuba, and the Arab Foreign Ministers met in Khartoum to .discuss 'the liquidation of traces of aggression,' but found it hard to agree whether this referred only to Israel or also to the Yemen.
Herr Alfried Krupp von Bohlen died and the Royal Academy, announcing a record boom in safes, gave much of the credit to hostile art critics. Twenty-two million Frenchmen were on holiday, most of them taking to the roads last weekend, in competition with the British record of a hundred miles of jams round Exeter. Desert wolves ate every one of a herd of oryx antelopes, imported to 411111 at great trouble and expense; and a man con- victed for the twenty-third time in six months of drunkenness explained: 'Em easily fed. I see all these posters saying drink this and drink that, no