The Graduates of London University have this week given an
illustration of the maxim"wires acquirit -eundo." Beginning some four years since to urge a-claim to share in -the government of their University, they have succeeded,- with no resources but • a dear purpose and resolute-perseVerince, in overooming the inertia of the Rome Office, and baffling the perverse opposition. of the ma- jority Of their own Crovin-appointed. Senate, and a scheme of in- corporation is finally settled. This Was the one thing needed to give practical weight to their claim to Parliamentary repreienta- tion, of 'Which otherwise Lord Derby and Mr. Disraeli spoke, with respectful consideration, the latter in moving his bill for the be- stowal Of the forfeited seats last session. _ A public meeting of the Graduates and their adherentkwas accordingly held this week, and a Committee appointed for securing support to a bill for erecting the Graduates into a Parliamentary constituency. professor Foster, who has been the most active promoter of the movement, read a statement of the progress of the University ; from whichit appears that it com- prehends nearly one hundred affiliated Colleges, numbering about five thousand students. Of these, thirty-one are general,. thereat medical. • The amount of property represented by the Colleges must be very considerable. The force Of the claim, however', does not rest on property, tut on the education and representative importance of the proposed constituency.. The Graduates already number seven hundred; and before long they will he entitled to style themselves the elite of those classes which are excluded from Oxford and from de- grees at Cambridge. Their prospect of Parliamentary support is promising ; including such names as Lord John Russell, Sir James Graham,. and Mr. Gladstone. Mr. Bright is said to be opposed to there; with his section, whomsoever that may include ; we presume because, as Mr. C.obden lately said, intellect and eduoation have already too much influence in returning Members to Parliament!