MILITARY GAZETTE. WATt-OFFICS, Dec.3. —4th Regt. of Light Drags.—Lieut. the
Hon. C. I. Keith, from the 10th Light Drags, to be Lieut. vice Fairlie, who exchanges. 10th Light Drags.—Lieut. H. J. Fairlie, from the 4th Light Drags. to be Lieut. vice the Hon. J. Keith, who exchanges. 6th Rapt, of Foot—Lieut. G. G. Webb to be Capt. with- out purchase, vice Crowder, dec. ; Ensign F. W. H. M'Clelaud to be Lieut. with- out purchase, vice Webb; Gent. Cadet L. B. Hole, from the Royal Mil. Coll, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice M'Cleland. 14th Foot—Gent. Cadet II. H. Gra- ham, from the Royal Mil. Coll, to be Ensign, vice Elwyn, superseded-for being ab- sent without leave. 17th Foot—Brevet Lieut.-Col. P. M'Pherson, C.B. to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Stoyte, appointed Inspecting Field Officer of a Recruiting District; Capt. 0. P. Bourke to be Major without purchase, vice ki.Pher- son ; Lieut. W. A. Armstrong to be Capt. without purchase, vice Bourke ; Ensign J. Lawson to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Armstrong; Gent. Cadet S. H. Clarke, from the Royal Mil. Coll, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Lawson. 49th Foot—Ensign J. W. Bond to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Platt, who retires ; Ensign E. he Merchant to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Young, who retires. 59th Foot—Staff-Surg. of the Sec. Class A. Campbell to be Surg. vice Macpherson, ap- pointed to the Staff. 1124 Foot—Lieut, J. Lawrie to be Capt. by purchase, vice Pardoe, who retires ; Ensign J. D. Luard to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Lawrie. 85th Foot—Lieut. C. H. Aide to be Capt. by purchase, vice lieu. J. E. H. Thurlow, who retires ; Ensign Lord J. H. Taylour to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Aide. 97th Foot—Major-Gen. H. A. Proctor, C.B., to be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. Sir H. F. Bouverie, K.C.B. dec. Staff—Lieut.-Col. J. Stoyte, from the 17th Foot, to be Inspecting Field Officer of a Recruiting District, vice Lieut.-Col. Magenta, dec.
Hospital Staff—Burg. E. M. Macpherson, from the 59th Foot, to be Staff-Surg. of the second class, vice Campbell, appointed to the 59th Foot ; Assiat-Staff-Surg. J. T. W. Bacot to be Staff-Sur'. of the second class.
Memoranda—Ensign H. .1. Yonge has not reverted to the 74th Regt. as stated in the "Gazette" of the 234 November 1852, but continues in the Slat Foot, as stated in the "Gazette " of the 15th of October 1852.
Ansaara.rr, Dec. 8.—The following promotions, dated 26th October 1852, have this day taken place consequent on the decease, on the 7th October last, of Rear-Ad- miral of the Red C. J. Austen, C.B.—Rear-Admiral of the White P..1. Douglas to be Rear-Admiral of the Red; Rear-Admiral of the ;Blue Sir C. Sullivan, Bart. to be Rear-Admiral of the White; Capt. Sir T. Herbert, K.C.B. to be Rear-Admiral of the Blue.