Tuesday, November 30.
Parra ea PS DISSOLVED.—llargreares and Co. Fall Barn, Lancashire, stone- masons; as far as regards L. Hargreaves—Stagg and Kilvert, Manchester, home- painters—Hancock and Young, Tokenhouse Yard, solicitors—Bibby and Coakshott,, Preston, corn-merchants-Askham and Son, Eckington, Derbyshire, surgeons- Womack and Litchfield, Manchester, accountants-Gray and Co. Birmingham, tin- plate-workers-Briggs and Co. Castleton Mills, Lancashire, hatters-Kidson and Co. Green's Mill, Lancashire, millwrights-Giahem and Co. Haymarket, tailors- Wood and Gresham, Blackburn, tea-dealers-C. and R. Hodgson, Durham., coach- manufacturers-Rutland jun. and Ball jun. Cooper's Row, Tower Hill, wme-mer- chants-Burdes and Co. Sunderland-near-the-Sea, lime-burners ; as far as regards W. Burdes-French and Pratt jun. Walsall, mercers-W. P. and T. 0. Toms, Ply- mouth, plumbers-Armitage and Son, Mythohnbridge. Yorkshire. dyers-Moon and Woolacott, Barnstaple, ironmongers-Clyde Steam Navigation Company, Glasgow and Liverpool Royal Steam-packet Company, and the Glasgow and Liverpool Ship- ping Company ; as far as regards J. and G. Burns A. Macconnell, C. MacIver, and T. Martin-Ogilvy and Co. Brechin, bakers-Cargill and Co. Aberdeen, trimming- warehousemen; as far as regards T. Cargill. BANKRoprii.-13011LY PENNALL, Hastings, stone-mason, to surrender Dec. 1, Jan. 14 : solicitors, Gregson and Son, Angell Court; Scrivens and I oung, Hastings; of- ficial assignee, Nicholson, Basingball Street-MICHAEL CASEY, Baker Street, out- fitter, Dec. 10, Jan. 13: solicitor, Low, Wimpole Street ; official assignee, Bell, Cole- man Street Buildings -WILLIAM ROBINSON, Maidstone, linen-draper, Dec. 10. Jan. 18 : solicitors, Nichols and Doyle, Gray's Inn; Morgan, Maidstone; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-WiLmsai COOKE, Albert Terrace, Bow, miller, Dec.10. Jan. 18 : solicitor, Ellis, Cowper Court, Corobill; official assignee, Stansfeld, Ba- singhall Street-Jons Wmuuss, George Street, Hanover Square, dentist, Dec. 10, Jan. 14: solicitor, Murrough, New Inn; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall 8treet-'1'nonse PRA•rr Wrtts, Portsea, brewer, Dec.14, Jan. 13: solicitors, Pownall -and Cross, Staple Inn ; Hellyer, Portsea ; official assignee. Groom, Abchurch Lane -GEORGE LEsTaa, High Street, Poplar, builder, Dec. 13, Jan. 11: solicitor, Stein- berg, Bread Street; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-Iticasan JONES, Coventry, hatter, Dec. 16, Jan. 13: solicitor, Hodgson, Birmingham; official as- signee, Christie, Birmingham-Hxwitv HASTINGS, Cheltenham, tea-dealer, Dec. 13, Jan. 10: solicitor, Sabine, Bristol; official assignee, Hutton, BristoL Divinawns.-Dec. 21, Thomas, Little Stanhope Street. May Fair, builder-Dec. 20, Ingram, Southampton, seedsman-Dec. 20, Kennett. Oxford Street, victualler- Dec. 23, Hunter, Swansea, linen-draper-Dec. 22, Elder, Cheltenham, plumber- Dec. 22, Lucas and Co. Manchester, calico-printers-Dec. 23, Crook, Preston, manu- facturer-Dec. 23, Steele, Spotland Bridge, Lancashire, brewer-Dec. 21, Pace sen. Liverpool, shipowner. CERTIFICATES.-To be granted, tallest MUM be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting-Dec. 22, Bradley, Mark Lane, corn-factor-Dec. 21, Marshall, Hay's Wharf, Tooley Street, provision-agent-Dec. 23, Wass, New Bond Street, picture-dealer- Dec. 21, Mitchell, Stepney Gate, boot-maker-Dec. 23, Isaacs, Plymouth, dealer in watches-Dec. 23, Crook, Preston, manufacturer-Dec. 22, Miller, Manchester, manu- facturer-Dec. 22, Blakey, Lincoln, dealer in perfumery-Dec. 22, Lamplugh, Great Driffield, draper-Dec. 23, Manico, Mark Lane, merchant. DEcLARATiows or Drvinsams.-Wheatley, Kennington Cross, livery-stable-keeper ; first div. of 28. Dec. 7, or any subsequent Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers- Butt, Newcastle Place, Edgeware Road, laceman; first div. of 38. Dec.?, or any sub- sequent Tuesday; Pennell Guildhall Chambers-Ashlin, Eastcheap, corn-factor ; second div. of Is. 6d. Dec. 7, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Cham- bers-Edwards, King Street, Bloomsbury, dressing-case-maker; third div. of 4s. making with former dividends 20s. Dec. 6, or any subsequent Monday ; Cannan, Ahlermanbury-Holmes, Regent Street, shawl-warebouseman; first dividend of 2s. on Monday, December 6, or any subsequent Monday ; Canaan, Aldermanbury- Ricketts and James, Moorgate Street, merchants ; fifth div. of 31d. on the separate estate of F. Ricketts, and a second div. of Is. 2d. on the separate estate of T. James, Dec. 6, or any aubsequent Monday; Canaan, Aldermanbury-Charlton, Sunderland, ship-builder ; first and final div. of 20s. on the separate estate, Dec. 4, or any subse- quent Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Till, Worcester, grocer; first div. of Is. sid. any Thursday; Christie, Birmingham-Richardson and Co. Wordsley, Staffordshire, glass-manufacturers ; first div. of 10s. any Thursday; Christie, Bir- mingham.
Semen SznumerRATiows.-M'Ilwraith, Barr, Ayrshire, farmer, Dec. 6, Jan. 3- Johnston, Saltcoats, draper, Dec. 6, 27.
Friday, _December 3.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-J. and W. Smith, Liverpool, bakers-Prescott and Elliott; Lindfield, Sussex, linen-drapers-Hine and Co. Nottingham, hosiers ; as far as regards J. G. Hine-B.. and G. Strange, Walton Street, Chelsea, grocers-Healey and Lloyd, Manchester, law-stationers-Usmar and Hunter, Epping, schoolmasters
- Eastwood and Taco, Manchester, joiners-Taylor and Co. Manchester, commis- aion-agents-Lawton and Brook, Huddersfield, cloth-manufacturers-Morley and Booth, Manchester, small-ware-manufacturers-Black and Co. Wetheral, Cumber- land, dealers in alabaster-Rigby and Whittaker, Gigg, Lancashire, dyers-Penivil and Fitch; Chtuldesley Corbeil, Worcestershire, surgeons-Wilkinson and Bonham, Gresham Street, auctioneers-Irvin and Taylor, Gray's Inn, attornies-Rostron and Co. Rio Janeiro, and Rostron and Co. Bahia; as far as regards J. II. WKinnell- E. and C. Budd, Dunstable, straw-bonnet-manufacturers-Brotherton and Rigg, Whitehaven, railway-contractors-Upperton and Stone, Pembrey, Carmarthenshire, colliers-Plowright and Bennett. Manchester, pattern-designers-Heap and Co. Newton, Lancashire, silk-printers-Lowndes and Co. Liverpool, merchants-Carey and Loton, Cleveland Street, carvers-Swinborne and Co. Scott's Yard, Cannon Street, refiners of isinglass ; as far as regards T. C. Swinborne-Harris and Co. Queen Street, Cheapside, stationers ; as far as regards F. J. Harris-Partridge and Co. Somerset Wharf, Bankside, coal-merchants-J. and J. Russell, John Street, Bermondsey, leather-sellers-Worley and Pyall, Chichester Place, Gray's Inn Road, printers-George and Jewell, Oxford, farmers.
BAInuarprs.-RICHARD COL'S, Charlton, builder, to surrender Dec. 10, Jan. 13: solicitors, Sole and Co. Aldermanbury; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street - RICHARD EATON NOBLE, DOWD Street, 'plumber, Dec. 14, Jan. 21: solicitor, Col- line, Crescent Place, Blackfriars; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street- Tuones CORBY, Lower Eaton Street, builder, Dec. 14, Jan. 18: solicitor, Rixon, Ring William Street, City • official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street Buildings- Jon,/ EDWARD SPICER, Cliilworth, Surrey, paper-manufacturer, Dec. 15, Jan. 22: solicitor, Ivimey, Southampton Buildings ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-HEway CArrxit, Gravesend, victualler, Dec. 9, Jan. 22: solicitors, Wilkin- son and Co. Nicholas Lane; official assignee, Nicholson' Basinghall Street-PA- TRICK COWAN, Skinner Street, Snow Hill, brass-founder, Dec. 14, Jan. 13: solici- tor, Appleton, Philpot Lane; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-CHAR- LOTTE JULLS PICHFORD, Cheltenham, upholsterer, Dec. 14, Jan. 11 : solicitor, Be- van Bristol; official assignee, Acraman, Bristol-THOMAS WHEELER jun. Winstone. Cirencester, cattle-dealer, Dec. 14, Jan. 11: solicitor, Bevan, Bristol; official as- signee, Hutton, Bristol-RICHARD Joists, Oswestry, Shropshire, hatter, Dec. 16, Jan. 13: solicitor, Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham -DANIEL COE, Manchester, grocer, Dec. 17, Jan. 7: solicitors, Higson and Robin- son, Manchester; official assignee, Lee, Manchester. DIV1DENDL-Dec, 24, Reimann, Liverpool, merchant-Dec. 24. Smith and Irvine, Liverpool, merchants-Dec. 24, Goolden, Welchpool, carrier-Dec. 21, Broom, Kid- derminster, carpet-manufacturer-Jan. 11, James, Walsall, iron-founder-Dec. 21, W. H. and J. Armitage, Almondbury, Yorkshire, woollen-cloth-manufacturers. CERTIFICATES.-7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Dec. 30, Tubbs, Holywell Street, Shoreditch, haberdasher-Dec. 29, Le- win, Ragland, Monmouthshire, engineer-Dec. 28, Woodward, Liverpool, butcher- Dec. 27, Bentley, Liverpool, tailor. DECLAEATIONS OF DIVIDENDS. -Hodson, Romford, ironmonger; second div. of 3d. Dec. 7, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Darby, Dorset Mews. Dorset Square, horse-dealer; first div. of ls. 4d. Dec. 7, or any sub- sequent Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Steel, Fenchurch Street, tailor ; first div. of 2s. Dec. 9, and three following Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street - Bill. Charlton Place, Islington, builder; first div. of 9d. Dec. 9, and three fol- lowing Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Swift, Staveley, Derbyshire, grocer; first div. of 4s. Dec. 6, or any subsequent Monday ; Freeman, Sheffield-Birley, Doncaster, grocer; first div. (upon new proofs only) of Ls. Dec. 6, or any subse- quent Monday ; Freeman, Sheffield-Ingham, Doncaster, grocer ; second and final div. of 8dd. (and upon new proofs 58. 8d.) Dec. 6, or any subsequent Monday; Freeman, Sheffield-Buddicom, Liverpool, merchant ; fourth div. of id. Dec. 6, or any subsequent Monday ; Bird, Liverpool-Webster and Harrison, Liverpool, flier- chants; fifth div. of 1-16d. Dec. 6, or any subsequent Monday ; Bird, Liverpool- Wilson, Seaham Harbour, Durham, earthenware-manufacturer; first di,. of Is. 8d. Dec. 11, or any subsequent Saturday ; Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Woodhouse, Darlington, butcher ; second and final div. of lid. Dec. 11, or any subsequent Saturday; Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Burnip, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, draper; first div. of Is. 10d. any Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. SCOTCH SFAIIIESTRATIONs.-Scott, Douglas, Lanarkshire, commission-agent,-Dec. 9, 30-Helton, Paisley, wright, Dec. 9, 30-Murray, Edinburgh, cabinet-maker, Dec. 9, Jan. 4,