It appears to be believed that M. 011ivier will be
gazetted as Minister next week. In spite of the desertion of some thirty-six of the old one hundred and sixteen, who found him too Imperialist, he has formed a party, having been joined by the "Arcadians," the gentlemen who are more Imperialist than the Emperor, and whose leader is Baron David. It is believed, from this adhesion, which must have been offered in obedience to a command, that M. 011ivier has waived his objections to personal- power, and that M. de Forcade has been thrown over. The Radicals already count M. 011ivier among the hirelings, but the Chamber has elected his nominee, M. Schneider, President by 151 votes, and the Marquis de Talhouet, his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vice-President. There are four of these officials, and of the remaining three, two, M. de Valdrome and Baron David, are Arcadians. The Radicals count, as yet, only forty-one certain votes ; but M. Jules Favre has already opened fire with a loofa de loi which would, if passed, transfer the power of altering the Constitution from the Emperor to the Chamber. In the event of the Emperor's death, such a Bill would be very useful, for it would make of the Chamber a constituent assembly.