Braefoot Sketches. By J. Mackinnon. (Alex. Gardner.)—Here is some more
" Kailyard" literature, of at least average quality. The Scoteh is a little difficult. Here are some specimens which might serve for a critical paper in the Orford Literature Schools : —" Never ye onnd fat for daein'," "A got a richt wowst the day," " Ticht wecht," " Dyod, lads, that shift cowes a'," " Cyous Knaokie." It may be objected that they are removed from their context. So were the crabbed little sentences in the examination papers of our youth. The substituting of the donkey for Betsy's cow (which she always milked in the dark) is a good joke. But are cows milked so late ? It is a more serious criticism that if the batsman in "A Friendly Match" attempted in vain to run " ane for the shy," he could not have been "stumped."