4 DECEMBER 1897, Page 40


Abernethy (I. 5.), Life and Works of James Abernethy, 8,o (Abbott) 7/6 Alt sander (R.), The Vicar of St. Nicholas', or 8.0 (Digby & Long) 6 0

A.nwyl (E.), A Welsh Grammar for Schools. Part I., or 8vo (11onnensoliein) 26 Armstrong (.7.). Through Renew-11nd a Eyes, cr 8,o (Jerrold) 36 Bailey (W, 31.), Pupil TeacLers' School Management, or 8vo (Brown) 9/6

Bain (R. N.), The Pupils of Peter the Great. 8vo Bates (L.), Games without Music for Children, or 8v0 (Constable) 15/0 (Longmatul) 2/0 Backe (L.), Wild Life in Southern Seas. or 8vo Berridge (R.), The Baby Philosopher, or Sin (Unwin) 5 0 Bicknell (A. L.), The Story of Marie Aotoinette. 8vo (Jerrold) 3/6 Bowman EL A.) Old Gems in a New Setting or 8vo (Unwin) 5,0 (Partridge) 6/0

Broughton (Mrs. J.), Practical Dressmaking, or Bios (Macmillan) 26 Butcher (E. I..), The Story of the Church of Egypt, 2 vols. (Smith & Elder 16/0 Bygone Durham, edited by W. Andrews, 8v0 (Andrews) 7/6 Cohn (J.) and Another, Practical Horse Dentistry, or 8v0 (Vinton) 3/6

Collins (W. E.), The Beginnings of English Christianity, or 8vo...(afethnen) 3/6 Couch (M. Q.), Some Western Folk, or 8vo (H. Marshall) 3,4 Oros'and (N.), Rambles Round My Life, or Elio (E. W. Allen) 7;6 eruikshank Fairy-Bonk (The), 8vo (Putnam) 6/0 Oust (A. P. Furey), Our English Ministers, 2nd Series, or 8,0 (Isbister) 3/6 Davies (D.), John Vaughan and his Friends, or 8vo (Simpkin) 4/6 Day (1. H.), Considerations for Advent, 12mo (Rivington) 2/0 Doidge (J. 13). Sharpened Tools for Bony Workers. or 8vo (Nisbet) 5,0 Encyclopaedia of Sport, ed. by Earl of Suffolk, Vol. I. (Lawrence & Sullen) 25/0 Fuller (A4. Pratt Portraits, 8vo (Putnam) 9/0 Feller 01..1.), The Preparation of Parliamentary Plans ... (Engineer Office) 2/6 Giberne (A.), A Modern Puck, or Elva (Jerrold) 5/0

Gladden (W.), Seven Puzzling Bible Books, 12mo (J. Clarke) 5/0

Gomme (GEL.). Lectures on the Principles of Local Government (Constable) 12/0 Graeme (R.), From England to the Back Blocks, or 8vo (tionnenschein) 3/6 Hardy (F. H.), The Kills of God, or San (Smith & Elder) 6,0 Harraden (B.), Untold Tales of the Past, roy 16mo (Blackwood) 6/0

Hill (G. B.), Letters of D. G. Rossetti to W. Allingham, 1854-1870 (Unwin) 12/0

Hooper (G.), The Campaign of Sedan, 12mo

Horner (S.), Greek Vases, cr Svc, (Bell) 2/o

(Sonnenschein) 3/6 Household Oracle (The), edited by A. H. Miles, or 8v0 (Hutohinson) 3/6 Hyde (W. D.), Practical Idealism, or 8vo (8acmillan) 5/0

Ingram (I .), Natalia, ob. 4to (H. Marshall) 1016 Jones (0. G.).Rook-Climbing in the English Lake Districkroy 8vo(Longmans) 15/0

Kemp (G.), A Modern Meribah or 8vo (Skeffington) 3/4

Kings of the Turf, by "Tnormanbv," 8vo (Hutchinson) 16/0

Knight (A. L.), Under the White Ensign, or 8vo (Jerrold) 5/0 Kroch (0. F.), A Three-Year Preparatory Course in French (Macmillan) 3/6 Le Bon (A.), Modern France, cr 8vo (Unwin) WO Lord (W. F.), Sir Thomas Maitland, or 8v0 (Unwin) 5/U Macfarlane (C.), The Dutch in the Medway, 12mo (J. Clarke) 3/6 Mackinnon (J.), Leisure Hours in the Study, or 8vo (titynn) 6/0

3Iaclareu Birthday Book : Quotations from A. Maclaren (Xian Coin. Pub. Co) 4,0

MacNeil (John) : a Memoir, by his Wife, 8vo (Marshall Bros.) 6/0 Marie Oorelli Birthday-Book (The), 12mo (Hut hinson) 3/6

Mayne (W. 11.), The Stolen Fiddle, or 8vo (Warne) 3/6 Metcalfe (0.), On the Other Tack, cr 8vo

Moffat (D.), Criokety Cricket, or 8vo garrold) 3/6 (Longmans) 2/6 Nicholson (W.), An Almanac of Twelve Sports, 4to

(116(13eemmroansel 321/66

Nye (G. H. F.), Our Island Home, or 8vo O'Sullivan (V.), The Houses of Sin, 8vo (Smithers) 5/0

Otterbutzt (B.), Nurse Adelaide, Cr 8vo (Digby & Long) 6,0

Oxenham (F. N.), The Validity of Papal Claim% or 8vo (Longmans) 2/6 Parallel History of the Jewish Monarchy, Part I., El.o (Camb. Univ. Press) 2/0 Parkyn (E. A.), The Law of Master and Servant, or 8vo (Butterworth) 7/6 Pasture (H. de la), Deborah of Tod's, or 8vo Pennell (J.), The Work of Charles Keene, folio (Smith & Elder) 6/0 (Unwin) 73/6 Rogers (ELL and Another, The" R.. D." Scheme of Wood Carving, Elemen-

mentary Coarse, or 8vo (81(inivhukitetn )) 6211

St. Anbyn (A.), A Fair Impostor, or 8vo 8t, John (H.), The Voyage of the ' Avenger,' Cr 8vo

ivingtona Boyce (A. H.), The Early History of the Hebrews, cr 8vo (R(Jrrold)) 58//06

Smith (H. P.), The Bible and Islam, or 8vo (Nisbet) 7/6 Thomas (R. H.), Pan : a Collection of Lyrical Poems, or 8vo (Bliss) 6/0

Tovey (D. C.), Reviews and Evays in English Literature, or 8v0 (Bell) 510

Trotter (L. J.), Life of John Nicholson, vo (J. Murray) 16/0 Tweedale (V.), What Shall It Profit a Man? or Svo (Digby & Long) 6/0