The tendency to improvement in the English Funds received a check from the defeat of the French Ministry ; and prices, which had improved 4 per cent, fell back yesterday to the whole extent of the advance. The market had at one time improved during this morning per Cent; Consols both for Money and Account having been done at 95: hut a sale by an influential broker caused a depression, and Consols for money have fallen to 943: the market rose again in the afternoon, hut fell before the close of business to 948 4 both for Money and Account. The Three-and-a-half per Cent Stocks have expe- rienced very little fluctuation ; for though some large purchases in them have occurred, there seems to be a disposition among the smaller holders to sell in anticipation of their reduction. Any extensive improvement under these cir- cumstances can hardly be anticipated Bank Stock has been steady, being quote.! at 173 and 1734; while India Stock has advanced to 266. The pre- mium of Exchequer Bills is the same—viz. at 63s. to 65s. There has been some extensive purchases of Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents; which have been as high as 534—marking an improvement of nearly 1 per cent from our last prices. The Five per Cents have fallen nearly 4 per cent; it being understood that measures are in progress for their reduction. Brazilian Bonds are also advancing ; the approaching conclusion of the new tariff being considered as favourable to the interests. Old Portuguese Bonds, and the Converted Five per Cents have also been in demand, having been done at 37; but the price has since given way about 4 per cent ; some unexpected delay having, it is understood, arisen in the arrangements of the tariff. Spanish Bonds experienced a sudden advance on Wednesday, of 4 per cent ; a purchase 0(45,000/. by a leading broker having given an impulse to the market. The price has since given way again about per cent ; closing, however, at an ad- vance upon our last prices; the last quotation being 19 a for the Active Stock, and 24 A for the Three per Cents. Columbian, and the other South American Stocks, are without material variation. Mexican have been depressed, but have rallied again, without the occurrence of any transactions of importance. The Railway Shares have been in demand ; some of the higher class having improved. Birmingham have been at 213—which is equal to 123/. per Share premium, and is the highest quotation that has yet been reached : the price is lower today, having fallen to 2104. Great Western have improved to 93/. per Share, or 28/. premium—a higher price than they have stood at for some time. The Brighton have improved, in consequence of several of the Lancaster shareholders having united for the purpose of making a change in the direction, from which benefit is anticipated.
A meeting of the Shareholders of the Cobre Copper Company was held on the 31st January ; when the Directors thought it prudent to abstain from the declaration of a dividend at present ; but as it appears that there will probably be a surplus of 36,000/. on the arrival of three cargoes of ore now on their way, they anticipate that a dividend will be in the course of payment before the next meeting in July. The Shares which were nominally about 25, have fallen about 4/., and may be quoted at 21 to 22.
The transactions of the afternoon have been unimportant, but the little business occurring has been at a shah improvement. Consols, both for Money and Account, have been done at 944, but are flatter again, and close at 944 4. Exchequer Bills, the same. The Foreign Funds are also without any variation.
The only variation in the Railwas Shares is in those of the Brighton, which have declined nearly 2/., having fallen to 354, and closing at 354 4. This decline has been occasioned by the circulation among the proprietors of the Report to be presented to the general meeting in the course of next week; its recommendation of a dividend of 1/. per Share being considered as not war- ranted by the realized profits. The other Railway bargains have lo, en as follows: Birmingham and Gloucester, 474 47; Eastern Counties Debentures, 131; Brighton, 371 64 544; ditto, Loan Notes, 104; Blackwell, 545; Green- wich, 5; South-western, 634; Manchester and Leeds, Quarter Shares, 44; South-eastern and Dover, 224; York and North Midland, 954; ditto, New, 40.
I Per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced al per Cent Ditto New 31 per Cents Bank Stock
Exchequer Bills 21d.....prrm Din, ''d prem
India Stock
litatiliau 6 per Cents
Belataa Spar Cents
944 1 941 t 951 1 1u2 4 1014 4 174 63 5 63 5 267 8 741 64 103 4
Colombian 6 per Cents Danish 3 per Cents
Dutch 21 per Cents
Mexican 5 per Cents Consd Portuguese Regeucy 5 per Us Disk, New 5 per Ceuta 1841 Ditto 3 per Cent 5 Russian a per Cents . Spanish (Active) 5 per Coots
Ditto 3 per Cents 1842
231 4 13, 6 53 4 314 I — 36 4 — 1151 1161 181 4 234 4 SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.
The English Funds are now at yesterday's quotations : Consols for Money have been done at 943 and 944, and are now 943 ; for Account the same. Exchequer Bills 63s. to 65s. premium.
Spanish; Stock is lower; the Active being 1844, and the Three per Cents 2344.
The following business has occurred in Railway Shares : Edinburgh and Glasgow, 474 ; ditto, New, 7; Great Western, 924 4; ditto, New, 674; Br ghton, 3744; Blackwell, 54: South-eastern, 23.