BRITISH FUNDS. (ClosingPrices.) Saturday Monday. Tuesday. Wednes.
3 per Cent. Consols
Ditto for Account .. 941 94* 941 943 941
94} 941 941 95 95 95* 951 951 951 951 3 per Cents. Reduced 109 102 102 102* 1021 3} per Crate Reduced 101* 101} 1011 101i 101} New 34 per Cents 13 13 124 12k 124 Long Annuities 173 - 173 173 173 Bank Sock. 7 per cent. 2693 - 265 - 266 India Stock, 104 64 mo. 63 65 63 65 Exchequer Bills. 28. per diem 61 pm. 61 61 - - India Bonds, 3} per cent OREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Arkausas (1863) Austrian Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Cl. 65 Mexican ... 5 p. Ct. 6 - - Ditto (Deferred) 5 -- 5 Michigan 6 Belgian 5 - - Mississippi (Sterling) ...6 Brazilian 5 - 75 Neapolitan 5 Buenos Ayres ....... ....6 - 234 New York (1855) 5 -- Cuba 6 - 85} Ohio 6 - Milieu 6 - 751 Pennsylvania 5 - 183 Columbian of 1824 6 - 23} Peruvian 6 - Danish 3 - - Portuguese 3 - Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) .21 - 531 Ditto 5 -- 43 ex d.
Ditto (Ditto) 5 - 1023 , Ditto (New) 5 -
Freuch 3 80f. Russian 5 - 116 Ditto 5 - Spanish 5 -- 19 Indiana (Sterling) 5 23 Ditto (Passive) 4 10} Illinois 6 - Ditto (Deferred)
Kentucky 6 - , - ' South Carolina 5 p. Ct. 87*
Louisiana (Sterling) ....5 - 50 Teauessee 6 - Maryland 6 - ; - United States Bank Masaachussetts (Sterliug)5 90 Virginia 5 -
Thurs. Friday.
941 94* 951 102 101} 123 173} 267 63 61
311 9 B lanes Brazilian Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Cam Branca Candouga Cubre Copper
Chelteuham and Great Western Eastern Counties Grand Juuction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester London mid Brighton London and Blnek wall Loudon and Greenwich London sail Luudou aud Croydon Manche nr and Leeds Midlitud :entities North Midland South-eastern and Dover South-western Bastes - Australasian British North American Colouial Leeches and Westminster Loud u Joiet Stuck
National of I eland
Maimed Provincial Provincial of Ireland Cadiz' of Australia Union of Loudon DOOss - East and West India ..
London St. Katherine
Australiao Agricultural British American Land Canada General Steam New Zealand Roy Mail Steam South Australian Van Diemeu's Land SHARES.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
81 93 192
2104 64} 623 291 6..11 41 163 2111 ;um
403 31 red.
8/ 913 Mead 9 BULLION. METALS.
Gold, Foreign is tho• . per oz. 31. Ifs. ad. Copper, British Cakes-per ton 551.0.. to a . 00 Old Spanish, or ?tiler Dollars.. 0 in 0 Iron, British Bars 5 5 0- 0 is Menieen Dollars.... ..... .... 0 4 94 Lead, Ilritieh Pig 17 to 0- 0 0 0
Silver in Bar...Standard 0 4 11 Steel. Englieb .. .... ...... • n 0- -• 05
GRAIN, Mark Lane. February 3.
Rent Pockets..." ........ ......... 78e. to 846. York Reds.. ........... ....per i • 6114 to la,
Chotee Duo 100 - I 2ii Were 0 .- 4 Susses Pockets 74 - 80 Middling 0 ..... 0 Superfine Ditto MI - 88 Chats. • ... 0 HAY AND STRAW. Per hoed of 36 Trusses.) elm BRIILAN D. SIMI rH81131.13. POSTMAN. WHITECHA TEL, Flay, Good 946. Sts vie . . 80s.
Inferior 0 Nen 0 e Clover 88 .. 115 70 . 55 Straw, Wheat 45 .. 48 .... 44 .. 45 0 .. 0 •3 . 48 BUTCHERS' MKAT.
Beef ea. 4d to S.. td. to Se. 10d. 54. ed. to 3. 44 .. 4s. 8d Blieton 11 4 .. 8 0 S u 11 10 .. 3 2 .. 4 2 Veal 8 4 .. '4 4 .. 5 • 80 .. 4 4 .. 5 n Pork II .. a 4 .. 4 0 510 .. 4 0 .. 4 4 Iamb • To mink the offal-rper 411.e. HEAD OF CATTLE AT smrnirtItto.
81.4.a. Sheol, Calves. P.'s.
Friday ......... ...... ...... .... It74 ........ Y,4 n 199 1181 blondes 2,917 25,4511 71 ........ 41111 Wheat, RedNeer44 1.41 Floe 46 . 43 White 114 .. 38 Fine 40 . 48 Old 50.56:. re Rye 81 to 34 Barley.... I5 . 48 Malting DJ . 27 Mali, Ordinary 45.. 50 Pine 50 .. 52 Pau, Hog * .. 29 Maple ...... 29 to 80 Whits 28 25 Rollers... . 90 83 Beans, Tick . 25 EIS Old Harrow. .. 55 s.
Date, geed... IS to 12
Floe 17 18
17 . IR Fine 19 10 Potato 20 .. vs Fine 52 .. 58 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wel.. For tha present Week.
Oats. N By.. ...... 54 R 9 enee 48 • Harley I
r• I at..... fit-. 4d Wheat ....+es d I Rye
arle In 3 Oats RI 0 Beans 8 Pens Wheat 47s. 11d Rye Held, II 10