Captain Craigie has been successfully engaged in raising Coast Guard Volunteers. Last week 599 fishermen had already enrolled themselves.
In answer to a memorial from Glasgow on postal matters, Mr. Rowland Hill has replied, that the question of the remuneration of the employer at Glasgow, and other large provincial towns, is shortly to be taken into consideration.
Mr. Alexander Smith, the young Scotch poet, has been elected Secre- tary to the University of Edinburgh. There were six other candidates.
The partial strike of the factory operatives of Glasgow is drawing to a close. The people are returning to work on the masters' terms.
The screw-steamer Petrel, a large vessel, has been burnt while lying out- side a dry dock at Greenock. The cause of the disaster is not known. The Petrel formerly plied between New York and Bermuda, but was found too large for the trade ; Messrs. Burns had recently agreed to purchase her for 20,0001., but at the time of the fire possession had not been transferred to them—the purchase was to have been completed on the following day. The vessel was insured for 12,0004
Seven persons have been dangerously hurt at Glasgow by an explosion of gunpowder. A deaf and dumb man found a keg in a passage, and took it home ; he seems to have thought it contained butter. Failing to force it open with a poker, he made the poker red-hot, and proceeded to bore a hole in the keg : the contenta were gunpowder—the explosion which fol- lowed blew the roof off the house, and every person in the building, except an infant, auffere&