On the 26th January. the Wife of the Rev. William Pridden, Rector of West Stow- eam-Wordwell, Suffolk, of a eon. On the 27th, at No. 10, Westbourne Terrace, the Wife of Francis T. Bircham, Esq., of a daughter. On the 29th, at Leaden Reding Rectory, Essex, the Wife of the Rev. Godfrey Faussett, of a daughter.
On the 291h, at Dedham Vicarage, Essex, the Wife of the Rev. Colin Campbell, of a BOO.
On the 29th, in Eaton Square, Lady Caroline Ricketts, of a daughter. On the 30th, at the Priory, Templemore, Ireltuid, Lady Carden, of a son and heir. MARRIAGP8.
On the 5th January, at St. Mary Church. Torquay, Captain John Scott Phillpotts, Sixty-sixth, or Goorkha, Regiment Bengal Native Infantry, son of the Lord Bishop of Exeter, to Susan, second daughter of the Rev. Thomas Kitson, of Shiphay House, Devon.
On the 17th, at St. Mary's Church, Scarborough, the Rev. R. Atkinson, of Doncaster, Rector of Claxby-ctun-Normanby, and Perpetual Curate of Usselby, Lincoln, to Anne, daughter of the late William Raines, Esq., of Wyton H all, Yorkshire. On the 24th, at Morwenstow, Cornwall, George Walters, Esq., of Frome, Somerset, to Elizabeth Mary, daughter of the Rev. Ezekiel A. Rouse, of Eastway House, neat Stratton.
On the 26th, at Spondon, Derbyshire, by the Rev. John Guthrie, (uncle of the bride,) Prebendary of Sarum, Vicar of Caine, and Domestic Chaplain to the Mar- quis of Lansdowne, John Blackwood, Esq., publisher, Edinburgh, to Julia, younrst daughter of the late Rev. .7. Blandford, Rector of Kirton, in the county of Notting- ham.
On the 28th, at the British Consulate, Bayonne, Frederick Morris. Esq.. Lieute- nant R.N. third son of Sir John Morris, Bart., of Sketty Park, Glamorganshire, and
the Hon. R.N., Morris, to Agnes, only child of the late Charles Branclford, Esq. On the 31st, at Subdeanry, Chichester, the Rev. Duncan Campbell Mackenzie, of St. John's College, Cambridge, to Louisa, second daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Ni- coils.
On the 24 February, at St. Mary's, Bryanstone Square, George Campbell, Esq., of the Inner Temple and Bengal Civil Service, son of Sir George Campbell, of Ellen- wood, Fife, to Letitia Maria, daughter of the late Thomas Gowan Vibart, Esq., B.C.S.
On the 16th October, at Melbourne, Victoria, Captain Robert Jacomb, R.N.; in his 65th year.
On the 24 December, from a stroke of the sun, on his passage to Madras, two days after leaving Men, Frederic James Norton, third surviving son of the late Sir John David Norton; in his 26th year.
On the 14th January, at Nice, the Bon. William Stuart, barrister, fourth son of the Earl of Castlestuart, of Stuart Hall, Tyrone. On the 18th, in the hospital at Malta, from the effects of a severe contusion and wound in the head, occasioned by the accidental falling of a block while he was in the execution of his duty on board H.M.S. Agamemnon, William David Loch. Lieutenant R.N., eldest surviving son of Francis Erskine Loch, Rear-Admiral of the White.
On the 20th, at Simon's Town, Cape ofGood Hope, Sir Henry Miers Elliot, K.C.B., Foreign Secretary to the Government of India, third son of the late John Elliot, Esq., of Pimlico Lodge, Westminster; in his 45th year. On the 1134, at Southampton, Colonel W. H. L. Frith, of the Bengal Artillery ; in his Stith year.
On the 234, at Plymouth, Caroline Julia. wife of the Rev. Arthur A. Lewis, Curate of St. Peter's, Plymouth, and youngest daughter of the late Hon. Mr. Justice Taunton, one of his late Majesty's Judges of the Court of King's Bench; in her 27th year. On the 26th, at Edinburgh, Anne, widow of the late William Mure, Esq., of Caldwell, and eldest daughter of the late Sir James Hunter Blair, Bart., of Dunskey; in his 82d year.
On the 26th, at Maristow, Sir Ralph Lopes, Batt., M.P. for the Southern Division of the County of Devon; in his 65th year.
On the 27th, at Sherbmn House Durham, the Rev. George Stanley Faber, Master of Sherburn Hospital, Durham, and Prebendary of Salisbury ; in his 80th year. On the 280, at Cliffden, Teignoaouth, Sir John Strachan, Bart., of Thornton, Stir- lingshire, N.B.; in his 70th year.
On the 28th, at Perth, Sir William Bernie, of Polkemmet, Linlithgowshire, Bart.; in his 69th, year. On the 29th, at Gittisham Parsonage, Devon, the Rev. Thomas John Marker, Rector -of that parish, and also of Farway, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace for the ctiunty ; in his 5601 year. On the 29th, in Paris, Charlotte Sarah, widow of the late John Ritchie, Esq., of Aberdeen, and sole surviving child of William Makepeace Thackeray, Esq., of Had- ley, Middlesex.
On the 30th, at the Wood, Sydenham Hill, Theresa, wife of Alexander Beattie, Esq., and youngest daughter of the late Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Griffith Colpoys, K.C.B.
On the 31st, Mr. John Penn, of Church Street, Chelsea ; in his 93d year.
On the 2d February, in Gordon Square, Maria Anne, the widow of the late Swynfeti Jervis, Req.; in her 8001 year.