COMMERCIAL GAZETTE. Tuesday, January 31. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. - Maiu and Gray. Liverpool.
ships'-store-dealers-J. and J. Hargraves, Carlisle, whip-manufacturers-Underhill and HewlIngs, Har- rold's Colliery, Wolverhaundon-Willcoek and Thompson. Manchester, estate- agents-Kennedy and Sons, Dublin, rectify ing- distillers ; as far as regards C. Ken- nedy sem-Stuart and Co. London Wall, milliners-Davenport, Brothers. Birming- ham, glass-toy-manufacturers-Julius and Smith, Richmond, Surrey, surgeons- Rattan and Co. Liverpool, fishmongers-Hartshorne and Adams, Langton, Stafford, manufacturers of china-Gerard and Co. London, general merchants-Walker and Clarkson, Ileadingley, Yorkshire, dyers-Stephenson and Curchin, Market Weigh. ton. butchers-Lockwood and Balk, Hull, chemists-T. and C. Thackrah, Dews- bury, rag-merchanta-Edutanson and Tomlinson, Leeds, joiners-W. and T. Bradley, Craubourn Street, linen-drapers-Cannon and Co. Liverpool, commission-merchants ; as far as regards H. Cannon-Bothwell and Rigby. Bolton-le-Moors, power-loom- cloth-manufacturers -Green and Burden, Great Surrey Street, cheesemongers- Clark and Co. Eaton Street, New Cut, spived-beef-manufacturers-Poynor antrIlud- dleston, Leicester, machine-makers-Holmes and Sou, liridgewater,_drapers-lioby and Co. London Winks, Renfrew.
BANKRUPTS.- HENRY CHANCELLOR, Great Yarmouth, tailor, to surrender Feb. 7, March 9: solicitors' Storey, Southampton Buildings, Holborn ; Chamberlain, Great Yarmouth ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings -FRANCIS FAXON, Bloomsbury Square, scrivener, Feb. 7, March 16: solicitors, Liuklaters, Sise Lane; offi- cial assignee, Johnson. Basing hall Street-WILLtAn CHARLTON' Basingstoke, grocer, Feb. 13, March 14: solicitors, Johnson and Co. Inner Temple ; Lamb and Co. Basing- stoke: official assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street-Louisa MATILDA RACHEL SMITH-, Salistmry Street, Strand, boarding-housekeeper, Feb. 10, March 17 : solicitors, Link- 'eters, use Lane; official assignee, Cannan, Ahlerinanbury-TuomAs WATTS, CaSSing- .ton, Oxfordshire, cattle-dealer, Feb. 10, March 17: solicitor, Field, Duke Street, Smithfield ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-JosErn VINCE, Great Yarmouth, boot-maker, Feb. 8, March 22: solicitors, Storey, Featherstone Build- ings; Chamberlain, Great Yarmouth ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers -MIER LEVY, Belfast, clothier, Feb. 8, March 22 : solicitors, Linklater and Linkla- ter, Sise Lane ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-HENRY PuReELL, Dudley, hosier, Feb. 11, March 4: solicitors, Coldicott and Canning, Dudley; Hodg- son, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham - HENRY PRF-STON GOODWIN, Solihull, War, ickaliire, tallow-chandler, Feb. 13, alarch 4: solicitors, Thomas, Ely Place ; Ilawkes, Birmingham : official assignee, Bittleston, Birming- ham-Jon:a POINTON, Monks Coppenhall, Cheshire, innkeeper, Feb. 15, March 6: solicitor, Broughton, Nantwich ; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool-JAMES AlTotat, Manchester, waste-dealer, Feb. 13, March 8: solicitors, Whitworth, Man- chester; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester-JouN BENNETT, Manchester, vic- tualler, Feb. 10, March 3: solicitors, Wilson, Manchester; official assignee, Putt, Manchester-Witimam CHESWORTH, Manchester, merchant, Feb. 16, March 9: so- licitors, Sale and Co. Manchester ; official assignee, Put, Manchester. DIVIDENDS.-Feb. 27 Salter, Backehurch Lane, Whiteehapel, yeast-merchant - Feb. 22, Manson, Lloyd's Coffeehouse, Royal Exchange, underwriter-Feb. 22 Roff, Woolivieh, wharfinger-Feb. 22, Osborn, Ebury Street, wine-merchant-Feb. 21, Millington, Maldon, Essex, chemist-Feb. 21, Parry, Leadenhall Street, bookseller -Feb. 21, Betts, Forncett St. Peter, Norfolk, draper-Feb. 21, Pattison, Winches- ter, glazier-Feb. 21, Hamilton, Little Queen Street, ironmonger-Feb. 21, Picke- ring, Piccadilly, bookseller-Feb. 21, Cross, Chester, lead-merchant-Feb. 21, Gray and Williams, Chester, engineers. CERTIFICATES.-To be granted, unless cause be shoicn to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Feb. 22, Cohen, II oundsditch, clothier-March 1, Bright, Swansea, vic- tualler-Feb. 21, Johnson jun. Liverpool, estate-agent. DECLARATIONS or DIVIDENDS.-Beaumont, Leman Street, Whitechapel, engineer; third div. of 2:. 6d. Thursday next, and three following Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basingliall Street-Canfield, Basinghall Street, woollen-warehouseman; first div. of 64. Feb. 2, and three following Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Each, Ut- toxeter, brewer; first div. of 5a. id. any Thursday ; Whitmore, Birmingham-Da- vies, Aberavon, Glamorgaushire, grocer; first. div. of 3s. 4d. Feb. 1, or any subse- quent Wednesday; Miller, Bristol-Reeves, Long Ashton, Somersetshire, paint- manufacturer ; second div. of 614. together with the former div. of is. 84. upon new proofs, any Wednesday ; Miller, Bristol-Townsend, Bath, hat-manufacturer ; first die. of 64. any Wednesday ; Miller, Bristol-Emerson and Fenwick, Stella, Durham, iron-founders; final div. of Is. 41d. under the separate estate of E. Emerson, any Saturday ; Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Davison, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, draper ; final div. of lid. any Saturday; Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Suomi SEQUESTRATION.-M'Lean, Dundee, draper, Feb. 9.
Friday, .Feb. 3. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Porter and Son, Sheffield, grocers-Lucas and Dads, Arthur Street West, hemp-merchants-Reynolds anti Evans, Bath, tailors-Sway, Brothers, Trowbridge, drapers ; as far as regards J. Saxty-ltoche and Aleakin, Red Cross Street, manufacturers of copper-wares-Thorpeand Ledward, Liverpool, ship- brokers-Smith and Woollain, Sheffield, merchants-Johnson and Nephew. Chester, wine-merchants-Lewis and Haddon, Nt'hitechapet High Street, milliners-Parsons and Tingle, Thame, Oxfordshire, brewers-England and Co. Bristol, di uggists -T. and W. Kelsey, Abbey Street, Bethnal .Green Road, trimming-manufacturers-Wa- terfall and Buckley, Basingliall Street, warehousemen -Hinclicliff, Brothers, Wash- it Mill, near Holnifirth, woollen-clothmanufacturers-Swaine and Co. Leeds, cloth- manufacturers ; as far as regards E. Swaine -Whitfield and Wilson, Birmingham, scale-makers- Jones and Co. Eglwysilan, Glamorganshire, chemists ; as far as regards R. Jones and T. Lewis-J. and A. Speight, Leeds, pavers-Barraclough and Priest- ley, Bradford. Yorkshire, coal-merchants -J.and Ii. Hughes. Manchester, plumbers -Plant and Co. Thornley Brook, Ashton-under-Lyne, bleachers-Scott and Plen- der, Penrith, linen-drapers-Marlin and Naylor, Sheffield, silver-cutlers-Innes and Co. Liverpool, grocera-Bury and Priestley, Church, Lancashire, iron-founders- - Faulconer and Downers, Copthall Court, stock-brokers; as far as regards H. 0. Downer-Taylor and Co. Scalegill Mill. Gargrave, Yorkshire, cotton-spinners ; as far as regards A. Lord-Hervard and Hargreaves. Preston, bookseller-Fisher and Sansum, Birmingham. plumbers-Crewe and Thompson. Sunderland, chemists-
Smith and Co. Bradford, Yolkshire, worsted-spinners; as far as regards J. Whitaker.
BANREUPTS.-'rlIOMAS Davis and WILLIAM WHITEHOUSE GRANGER GARRETT, Rathbune Place, oilmen, to surrender Feb. 11, March 29: solicitor, Wheelock, Chancery Lane ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-DAN1EL WILLIAM Lucas and Isaac Dons, Arthur Street West, hemp-merchants, Feb. 14, March 20: solicitors, Parnell and Willaume, New Broad Street; official assignee, Edwards, - Sambrook Court-HENRY SHEAD, Whitham, Essex, miller, Feb. 14, Hatch 20: soli- citors, Stevens and Satchel', Queen Street, Cheapside; Banks and Stevens, Whitham ; official assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street-GEORGE LAIIDOCEN, Taplow, Berkshire, timber-merchant, Feb. 15, March 14: solicitors, Linklaters, Size Lane ; Micklem, Maidenhead; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street -JAMES PAUL semi. Portsea, brewer, Fib. 17, March 17: solicitor, Wigan, Furnivars Inn ; official as.ignee, Can- nan, Aldermanbury-JAmEs OSBORNE, RIthtlenninSter, tailor, Feb. 15, March 15 : so- licitors, Boycot and Tudor, Kidderminster; official assignee, Ilittleaton, Birming- ham-Titania HONEY, Launceston, grocer, Feb. 14, March 9: solicitors, Bishop and Pitts, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter-HENRY ALLEN, Bristol, chemist, Feb. 14, March 14: solicitors, Bevan and Goring, Bristol; official assignee, Miller, Bristol-Tuomis NORBURY and RICHARD BINDLOSS, Manchester, silk-manu- facturers, Feb. 29, March 27: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester • official assignee, Fraser, Manchester-JOSEPH FILAxeis, Manchester, baker, Feb. 14, March 7: solici- tor, Boote, Manchester ; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester. DIVIDENDS.-Feb. 25,Wright, Deptford, clerk-Feb. 25, Lemere, Maldon, draper- Feb. 25, Petit, Upper St. Martin's Lane, ironmonger-March 2,tiemsworth, Prim- rose Street, Bishopsgate Street, wine-merchant-Feb. 25, Pope, Iiidbrooke, Kent, cowkeeper-March 3, Collins, Chepstow, grocer-Feb. 27, Leader, Liverpool, joiner -Feb. 27, Crute, Liverpool, slater-Feb. 24, Leake, Sandia:Leh, Cheshire, salt-mer- chant-Feb. 24, Brookfield, Woodcott, Cheshire, farmer-March 7, Marlow, Walsall, iron-founder-March 8, Warner, Tipton, flour-dealer-Feb. 24, Ibbetson, Bradford, Yorkshire, bookseller-Feb. 24, Avison, Leeds, stone-merchant-Feb. 24, Jackson and Yale, Leeds, engineers. CERTIFICATES.- To te granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-&b. 27, Chapman junior, Chenies Street, Tottenham Court Road, dairy- man-Feb. 27, Turner, North Brixton, baker-Feb. 24, Mooney, Holloway Road, tea-dealer-Feb. 27, Draper, High Street, Southwark, straw-bonnet-maker-Feb. 27, Innen, Weston, Herefordshire, grocer-Feb. 28, Dorrington, Manchester, wool- len-cloth-merchant-March 2, Lewty and Co. Wilden, Worcestershire, iron and tin- plate-workers. DECLARATIONS or DIVIDENDS.-Heath, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, chemist ; first div. of 6s. ld. any Monday; Cannan, Aldermanbury-Rendle, Old Kent Road, boot- manufacturer; first div. of 2:. 714. any Monday ; Cannan, Aldermanbury-Keithand Shoobridge, Wood Street, warehousemen; third div. of 24d. Feb. 9, and :three fol- lowing Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-English, Manchester, cloth-manu- facturer ; first div. of 10s. 6d. Feb. 14, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Fraser, Man- chester-Thorman, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, engine-builder; second and final div, of 18. 644. Feb. 11, or any following Saturday ; Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.