Travels in Bolivia; with a Tour across the Pampas to Buenos Ayres, &c. By L. Hugh de Bonelli, of her Britannic Majesty's Legation. In two volumes.
Hungary, Past and Present : embracing its History from the Magyar Conquest to the Present Time. With a Sketch of Hungarian Litera- ture. By Emetic Szabad, late Secretary under the Hungarian Na- tional Government of 1849.
The Bhilsa Topes; or Buddhist Monuments of Central India; com- prising a brief Historical Sketch of the Rise, Progress, and Decline of Buddhism; with an Account of the Opening and Examination of the various groups of Topes around Bhilsa. By Brevet-Major Alexander Cunningham, Bengal Engineers. Illustrated with thirty-three Plates.
Autobiographic Sketches. By Thomas de Quincey.
France before the Revolution ; or Priests, Infidels, and Huguenots in the Reign of Louis XV. By L. F, Bwigener, Author of "The History of the Council of Trent," Sol Authorized translation.
Campaigning in Kaffirland ; or Scenes and Adventures in the Kaffir War of 18.51-'2. By Captain W. It. King, Seventy-fourth High- landers. With Illustrations.
A _Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, and Historical, of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. Illustrated with Maps and Plans. By J. M'Culloch, Esq., Member of the Institute of France. A new edition, corrected and improved ; with a Supplement.
Poems of the Earl of Surrey, of Minor Contemporaneous Poets, and of Sackville Lord Buckhurst ; with Critical Notes and Biographical Memoirs. Edited by Robert Bell, Author of "The History of Rus- sia," &c. (Annotated Edition of the English Poets.) [The second volume of Messrs. Parker's new edition of the British Poets contains the best samples of the early Tudor poets ; for although Sackville Lord Buckhurst lived through the whole of Elizabeth's reign, he belongs to the school of Surrey rather than of the great Elizabethan period. As the first examples of modern English in poetry, as well as of what may be called the modern style, the volume is worth study. It cannot, however, be denied that the poets were, in Hallam's words, "more distinguished for taste than genius," and that they rather followed the fashion than set it. Some more generally popular poet than Surrey or Buckhurst might have been advan- tageously chosen in a speculative point of view : as a part and a very im- portant part of the history of British poetry, nothing could be better selected. In the lives and the notes, the editor tells all that is needful for the illustra- tion of the writers or their poems.] The Poetical Works of Jahn Keats. With a Memoir by Richard Monck- ton Milnes. Illustrated by 120 Designs, Original and from the An- tique, drawn on Wood by George Scharf junior, F.S.A., F.R.S.L.
[A handsome edition of the poetry of Keats ; with an abridgment or rather a short notice of the life by Mr. Monckton Milnes ; which, carefully as it has been done, loses some of those interesting touches of feeling and passion in which the original biography abounded, especially as it draws towards the close. Many of the illustrations contained in the volume are from the antique : the original designs are sometimes an imitation of classical art, or at least of the classical style in art, sometimes of landscape or fancy pieces; we think the last two the lied.]
Hortimer ; a Tale of the Times of Owen Glendower. By William Gayer Starbuck. [Commonplace images and thoughts, expanded, is the character of this poem ; the style being a distant imitation of Byron.] The Neu: Testament, in Greek : based on the Text of Dr. M. A. Schloz. With English Notes and Prefaces, a Synopsis of the Four Gospels., and Chronological Tables illustrating the Gospel Narrative. Edited by the Reverend J. F. Macmiehael, B.A., Head Master of the Grammar School, Ripon, Yorkshire.
[Dr. Schloz, Roman Catholic Professor of Sacred Literature at Bonn, occupied twelve years in a personal examination of nearly all the extant manuscripts of the New Testament, and discovered besides, it is said, no fewer than 511 hundred new manuscripts. On this extensive survey he founded the text of his own edition ; which Mr. Macmichael has chiefly followed, avoiding the typographical errors in which it abounds. The English notes are numerous , and brief, explanatory of interpretation as well as meaning and grammar.] Vie Charities of London in 1852-'3; presenting a Report of the Opera- tion, Resources, and General Condition of the Charitable and Religious Institutions, of London. With an Introductory Analysis. By Samp- son Low junior. [This publication seems in a measure founded on a book upon the Charities of London compiled by Mr. Sampson Low junior, and issued by the firm of which he is a member. The matter is now substantially the same, with the advantages derived from experience ; but it takes more the form of narrative or history, consisting of reports of what each charity has done in 1852-'3. It is a useful book, and striking from the number of the institutions and the amounts they receive.] Practical Sermons: designed for Vacant Congregations and Families. By the Reverend Albert Barnes, Philadelphia. First English edition. With additional Sermons.
[These discourses were originally published to meet a want in America, " where numerous congregations; have not the regular preaching of the gospel, and in which, in order to maintain public worship, it is necessary to make use of printed sermons." Perhaps as a consequence, doctrine is not discussed in the volume : it may be used by any congregation, or any family; the practical necessity and importance of Christianity and its duties being the topic of the discourses.]
Lectures on Female Scripture Characters. By William Jay.
[These posthumous lectures on some of the female characters of Scripture were delivered by the rather celebrated William Jay, of Bath, half a century ago. Their revision occupied his last days, till the failing powers of life ren- dered even that effort impossible. They are judicious applications of biogra- phical facts to point lessons of morality and religion, closely put, with less artificial force than distinguished the modern or platform school of Dissent, but not with less real strength.]
The .ifystery Unveiled; or Popery as its Dogmas and Pretensions appear in the Sight of Reason, the Bible, and History. By the Reverend James Bell, one of the Ministers of Huddington, Author of "Influ- ence of Physical Research on Mental Philosophy."
[A broad and strong expedition of the evils and corruptions of Popery as they appear to the reverend author. The manner partakes of the sermon, but is racy and readable.]
.Daily Bible Illustrations : being Original Readings for a Year, on sub- jects from Sacred History, Biography, Geography, Antiquities, and Theology. Especially designed for the Family circle. By John Kitto, D.D., F.S.A., Editor of "The Pictorial Bible," &c. Evening series. The Apostles and Early Church. October—December.
[The completion of an able, various, closely-written, and learned annotation on the Scriptures; in which the learning is of a living and practical cha- racter, with none of the pedantry or dryness of mere literary lore.]
The Tent and the Altar : or Sketches from Patriarchal Life. By the Reverend John Cumming, D.D., F.R.S.E., Minister of the Scottish National Church, Crown Court, Covent Garden ; Author of " Apoca-
• lyptin Sketches," &c. [Another volume by the prolific Dr. Cumming, on the character of the Pa- triarchs, and the Christian lessens to be deduced from their lives, in con- tinuation of a previous work, "The Church before the Flood."]
Library Edition of the Waverley Novels. Volumes XXI. and XXIL "Woodstock." "The Fair Maid of Perth."
[Messrs. Black open upon us a double fire with "Woodstock" and "The Fair Maid of Perth," probably to intimate that we were altogether wrong in as- suming that the Library Edition of the Waverley Novels closed with the twentieth volume.]
The Parliamentary Companion, for 1854. Twenty-second year. By , Charles R. Dod, Esq., Author of the "Peerage, Baronettige, Knight- , age," &c.
[Punctual as Parliament itself is Mr. Dod's Companion in its twenty-second year, with forty-four new Members, for whom Death or some less potent power has made room. Twenty-eight election petitions have thrown more light on and caused alterations in as many constituencies ; while among lesser changes are four Irish Bishops, who take a turn in the House of Lords.]
Records of the Chase, and Memoirs of Celebrated Sportsmen; illustrat-
ing some of the Usages of Olden Times, and comparing them with prevailing Customs. Together with an Introduction to most of the Fashionable Hunting Countries, and Comments. By Cecil. [Anecdotes of hunting, stories of hounds, brief notices of leading huntsmen, with a variety of miscellanea connected with the field, form the contents of this volume.]
Indications of Instinct. A Sequel to "The Natural History of Crea- tion." By T. Lindley Kemp, M.D. (Traveller's Library.) Easy Lessons on Honey Matters ; for the use of Young People. Pub- lished under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Know- ledge. The thirteenth edition.
Letts's Commercial Summary for the Year 1853; exhibiting the Ordi- nary Phases of British Commerce in Chronological Succession during that period. GERMAN Lrmites.usix.
Die Christliehe Mystik von Dr. Ludwig Nortek. Konigsberg, 1853. .Die Freidcnker in der Religion von Dr. L. Haack. Bern, 1853. Heinrich Eberhard Gottlob .Paulus send seine Zeit von A. Freiherrn von Reichlin Meldegg. Stuttgart, 1853.
L J. TVagners Siinuntliche neuere TVerke. 171m, 1854.
[Dr. Ludwig Noack, an industrious collector of stray divinity, has recently Published a history of Christian mysticism, from the pseudo-Dionyaius to the modem poet Novelle. The work is rather a dry condensation of the opinions held by the different persona named, than a statement of the author's own reflections and deductions, but is not on this account the less acceptable. The works of the mystics are diffuse and scattered, not to be collected with- out some trouble, and not to be read without a great deal. Hence the stout octavo by Dr. Noack, containing everything that most people want to know,
a useful addition to the theological library. A history of religious free- thinking, done in the same manner by the same author, will be less attrac- tive, precisely because there are already works of a siMilar description. The first volume of this second history is devoted to the "English Deists," and vill be followed by two others on French Infidelity and German "enlighten- ment" (Aufklarung). A long and elaborate biography of the celebrated lationshatic theologian Dr. Paulus, whose death was one of the important events of the year 1851, is another recent publication. The author, Baron von ReiehliII-Meldegg, Rh of course, a panegyrist. . The few persons who take an interest in German philosophy, will find a banquet in the works of Johann Jacob Wagner, now collected by Dr. P. L. ,..„,Mara. The Wagner in question is not the famulus of Dr. Faustus, but a °llama phenomenon of the Schelling school, who published a scheme of the inverse in a tabular form, deducing all nature from an imknown and , the DIUSiCiall Will find much to gmtafy him; but there is one which, we
The Provident Times; a Monthly Record of Investments and Social Progress. No. I. [A new journal, whose prominent subject is life-insurance, with sanitary topics, as connected with the duration of life directly, or popular ambse- ments or instruction, as bearing indirectly upon the same. The journal also handles other questions bearing on the wellbeing of the people.]
Palmerston in Three Epochs; a Comparison of Facts with Opinions. By Washington Wilke, Author of "A History of the Half-Century."
The Laws of War, affecting Commerce and Shipping. By H. 13yer- ley Thomson, Esq., B.A., Barrister-at-law, of Jesus College, Cambridge, and the Inner Temple.
A Letter to the Electors of Cambridge on Change in the Reform Act. By the Honourable W. P. Campbell.
Doctors' Commons Unveiled; its Secrets and Abuses Disclosed. With Suggestions for the Reform of Ecclesiastical Courts. By Cuthbert Conynghain, LL.D.
An Account of the present Deplorable State of the Ecclesiastical Courts of Record; with Proposals for their complete Reformation. By William Downing Bruce, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-law, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, &c.
Remarks addressed to the Reverend Dr. Vaughan, Head Master of Harrow School, in Reply to his recent Letter to Viscount Palmerston. By Anti-Monitor.
How to do without Customs and Excise, by basing the Parliamentary Representation, of all classes and interests, Home and Colonial, on Contributions from all parts of the empire. By a Landed Proprietor.
Decimal Coinage. A short and easy Method of Changing the present Currency into the Decimal System. By a Retired Merchant.
A Correspondence relating to the Discovery of Gold in Australia.
The Bank Screw ; or War and the Gold-Discoveries in connexion with the Money Market. With a Proposition of a new, simple, and thorough Reform of the English Currency. In a Letter to the Right Honourable W. E. Gladstone, M.P. By Malagrowther the Less.
Contributions to the Physical Geography of South-eastern Asia and Australia. By. George Windsor Earl, M.R.A.S., Author of the "Eastern Seas, &e. With a Map. Reprinted, with additional Notes, from the Journal of the Indian Archipelago, 1day 1852.
An Examination of the Law of Church-Rates ; showing that the Parish is under no Legal obligation to Repair the Church. Being four Let- ters originally published in the Carnarvon and Denbigh Herald; with additional Notes upon Tithes and other subjects. By Watkin Williams, of the Inner Temple, Student-at-law, Author of "An Essay upon the Philosophy of Evidence," &e.
Facts from Gweedore. Compiled from Notes by Lord George Hill, M.R.I.A. With Maps and Frontispiece. Third edition containing an Introductory Chapter in reference to the Results of 'the System pursued in that District since the year 1838, with Observations on the Poor-Rate, Schools for the Peasantry, Emigration, and Illicit Distil- lation.
Woman and her Wishes ; an Essay. By Thomas Wentworth Higgin- son, Minister of the Worcester Free Church.