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THE Queen and Prince Albert left Windsor Castle about one o'clock on Monday, and arrived at Buckingham Palace before two. A Court end Privy Council were held at three o'clock. At the Privy Council, tho Queen's Speech on the opening of the session of Parliament was funtlly settled. Her Majesty also pricked the list of Sheriffs for England And Wales.
At the Court, Namik Pacha, accompanied by M. Musurus, was pre- sented to the Queen. Her Majesty gave audiences to Lord Aberdeen, Lord Clarendon, Lord Granville, and Lord John Russell. On Tuesday, the Queen proceeded to open Parliament in person. Along the whole line of the state procession, the people had gathered at thousanda ; the vast multitude outnumbering time of Pro9e4ing yes"
Beside the Park and the footways, every window, every balcony, many house-tops were crowded with spectators. Respectful greetings accom- panied the procession as it moved along, growing louder as the Queen neared Westminster. Occasionally partial sounds of discontent were heard ; but they were drowned in cheers. Her Majesty had started from Buckingham Palace at eighteen minutes before two o'clock, escorted, as usual, by a detachment of the Horse Guards ; and returned at five minutes before three. Soon after four the Queen and Prince Albert left the Palace, and returned to Windsor Castle.
While in town, on Tuesday, Prince Albert attended a Council for the management of the Duchy of Cornwall.
The Queen gave another dramatic entertainment on Thursday : this time it was the Tempest. A numerous and distinguished company wit- nessed the performance.
The Queen, Prince Albert, and the Royal Family, have taken their usual out-door exercises,