The Canadian Parliament was opened on the 19th January by
Monck, in a speech of some weight and merit. His Lord- ship informed the Legislature that a detective police had been. organized and a volunteer force called out, in order to prevent the organization of enterprises hostile to the United States, but the Government needed stronger powers to deal with the persons who, while availing themselves of the privilege of asylum, are " un- mindful of the implied obligation to obey our laws and respect the declared policy of our Sovereign." The time, continued his Lord- ship, had arrived for the " creation of a new nationality," the basis of a Federal Union had been laid, the Imperial Government had granted its cordial support, and it now rested with the public men of British America to decide whether the country they inhabit should be consolidated into a State, or whether its provinces should "remain in their fragmentary and isolated condition." It appears from the local papers that an unexpected opposition is manifesting itself to the proposal within the Canadian Parliament.