Mr. Baines wants to make . Leeds a seaport. He
says it is a question whether the Aire, on which the town stands, cannot be so improved and deepened that vessels of -300 tons could come up to the bridge, -which would give the town " many of the advantages of a seaport." Wakefield, it seems, only ten miles off, is getting the locks between it and the coast enlarged, so that sea-going vessels can ascend to the town, and Leeds might do the same. • We suspect if the scheme is seriously commenced- it -will be found that a good deal more can be done. Ever since the rise of the railway system the possibilities of cheap -conveyance latent in English rivers have been a good deal neglected, and a little attention turned to them by great engineers might be found to pay-exceedingly well. If steamers of 500 tons could be brought to Leeds the prosperity of the town would be-doubled in ten years.