Missouri has finally abolished slavery, and Tennessee has passed a
vote in Convention abolishing it and refusing compensation to slaveowners, but this vote had not yet been ratified by the people. We regret to say- that the Convention elected the violent " Parson Brownlow " for Governor,—the man chiefly notorious for such say- ings as this, that be at would fight the Confederates till Hell froze, and then fight them on the ice," and other sayings of spasmodic and almost delirious passion. Tennessee should learn to distinguish between violence and strength. According to the census of 1860, the slaves in Maryland were 87;189 ; in Missouri, 114;931 ; in Tennessee, 275,179; and in Kentucky, 225,483. The Maryland and Missouri slaves are now all freed,—the Tennessee slaves on the very eve of freedom,—for the State will certainly ratify the con- stitution of the Convention,—and even in Kentucky steps ,are being taken to abolish slavery.
The issue of the Pope's Encyclical has had a powerful effect upon rents at Florence. It has lowered them 30 per cent ,—so rapidly does the shrewd public opinion of Italy discount the significance of that letter for the future of Rome. 'Florence feels as if an early data for the further removal to Rome 'had been fixed by the Pope hitns.31f.