M. de Freycinet read his programme to the Chamber on
'Tuesday. After affirming that France—like all other places, ex- -cept Heaven—" needs liberty and progress," he promises to post- - ,ponethe revision of the Constitution until towards the end of the -existing Legislature, and to occupy the intervening time with ." reforms." These will include additions to the powers of the inferior Judges and the consequent abolition of some of the higher judgeships, the reduction of military service, the forma- tion of a Colonial Army, the extension of education, and the -development of some plan for " generalising " provident insti- tutions among workmen. M. de Freycinet intends to renew the Commercial Treaties, and pledges himself not to pay off keimk,Cent. Rentes, not to purchase the Railways,
" redeemable Rentes,"—that is, short loans a simple educatln,e
being an elector,tension of public works. It is stated that not yet receive" ,z the last three promises in the programme .--..akied. by M. L6on Say, who is evidently' determined „evautt like Bourse shall be enabled to recover itself. The pro- gramme is praised by the principal journals, but it says nothing .of foreign politics, and has, to our eyes, something of an ad
• iiarIerim character. The temper of the Chamber is not ascer- tained, but it is known that it will accept the proposal to post- pone revision, and will press for a close investigation into Bourse affairs.