4 FEBRUARY 1882, Page 1


ltil GREVY has succeeded in forming anotker Cabinet. M.

• de Freycinet was sent for, and at once accepted the task ; And after three days of negotiations, chiefly occupied in overcom- ing the resistance of M. L6on Say, the list was announced to the public. M. de Freycinet himself takes the Foreign Office, and will not, we hope, betray England, as he did in the Dulcigno affair; M. Lon Say is Minister of Finance, with special in- structions to mitigate the crisis on the Bourse ; General Billot takes the Ministry of War ; M. Goblet, hitherto an unknown ?man, said to be a brilliant advocate, is Minister of the Interior; M. Jules Ferry resumes charge of Education, and, we presume, of Worship ; and M. Humbert is Minister of Justice, apparently -without its old appendage, the Ministry of Worship. M. Tirard, . a staunch Protectionist, once more becomes Minister of Com- merce, and Admiral Jaur6guiberry takes charge of the Marine. The new Ministry is decidedly moderate, and will excite little -enthusiasm ; but it is welcomed by the Senate, and will, for a time, at all events, be supported in the Chamber. M. Ga.mbetta, it is.. affirmed, has promised not to oppose, and even M. Cl6men- cean has apparently decided to postpone criticism until the Ministers offer him a definite opportunity.