4 FEBRUARY 1882, Page 16



SIR,--Will you use your influence to induce publishers to let us have books in less heavy bindings than the present fashion seems to insist upon? Books of all kinds, biography, history, travels, even some novels, for instance, Mr. Black's "Sunrise," all are so heavy, that they cannot be read in comfort without a desk. It is hard that those who love reading, and have not desks to support the books, must either read for but a short time, or else do so with aching hands and arms. One of the most charm- ing books we had lately, "The Journals of Caroline Fox," is so heavy that it is a fatigue to hold ; I have not it by me, so can- not tell you its weight, but here are the weights of some of the books I have had in the last few weeks :—" A Lady's Cruise in a French Man-of-War," 2 lb.; Rawlinsou's "Ancient Egypt," 2I lb.; "Memoirs of Count Miot de Melito," 3 lb.; "Bishop Thirlwall's Letters," 2 lb.—I am, Sir, &c., A LOVER OF BOOKS.