Saints and their Symbols. By " B. A. G." (Sampson Low
and Co.)—This little handbook will prove of great use to those who make a study of Saints and their symbols, as expressed in Art. It supplies a real want, as it is small enough to be a handy companion in churches and picture-galleries, while it gives all the information needed to make intelligible those symbolical pictures which are not so without some such assistance. The work is well done and complete of its kind, the first part giving a list of the principal symbols distinguish- ing the Saints in Art; the second giving, very shortly, the legends of the Saints themselves. Both parts are arranged alphabetically, and the book is got up tastily, with some little vignettes by the author.
Gleanings from "The Blue." (Austin and Sons, Hertford.)—This volatile has been sent to us, whether or no for review, we cannot say; as it is "printed for private circulation." It will be sufficient to say that it gives a favourable idea of the magazine from which these extracts have been taken. Some of the articles are distinctly good; and few fall below a fair average of merit. The humorous adapta- tion of " Miserarnm eat neque amori dare ladam," is a happy effort.