A correspondent of the Times, evidently fully informed, writes from
Belgrade describing at great length the condition of native feeling in Austria-Herzegovina. He says the Austrians are hated. They were originally resisted by the peasants out of pure ignorance of European arrangements, and the conse- quent civil war left behind it a crop of blood feuds and deadly animosities. These have been increased by the rigour of the Austrian officers, by an over-exact levying of old taxes which were only tolerable when negligently levied ; by the prohi- bition of the Cyrillic alphabet in favour of the Roman, which the people do not know ; by the teaching of Ger- man in the schools before annexation has been ordered, and lastly, by the conscription. The writer, who is decidedly friendly to Austria in her own provinces, thinks that if Bosnia were governed like them, the people would be content, but regards the insurrection as extremely serious. A great deal of the suffering obviously springs from the delay of annexation. That once accomplished, Bosnia would have its own Diet, and would be governed by administrators, who would remain long enough to comprehend the people. At present, the writer in the Times hints, it is governed by Hungarians.