SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I have been handed the enclosed cutting from your 'paper, commending the enterprise of Swedish industry in -;Produeing their booklet; InduStry in Sweden, in English `add adding the statement, " Would that our own manufac- -;turers were as enterprising " This statement reflectS some- :whit tinfaifly on this Federation, and under separate cover
haVe sent you a copy of our Year Book, of which 10,000 copies; Are printed annually in English and in Spanish and distributed free throughout potential buyers in the principal markets of the world.
The hook contains a complete classified list of the whole range of British industries grouped by trades. It also contains what is, I think I-am right in claiming, the most complete list industrial products in existence, arranged alphabetically, and under each the names of the firms making the particular item. The third section of the book contains the names and ‘addresses of the firms concerned, so that a foreign buyer, in whatever country of the world, can turn up the particular
• commodity he requires to purchase and find at once the full addresses, telegraphic or otherwise, of the firms who manu- facture it and also the names and addresses of their agents in the principal countries of the world.
The publication of this book and its free distribution is merely one of the many regular activities of this Federation.- - I am, Sir, &c., SIDNEY ROGERSON.
Federation of British Industries, 39 St. James's Street, London, S.W. 1.
[We gladly print this letter. The F.B.I. has done much to further British trade abroad. But we are still of the opinion that many British manufacturers do not study the export market as carefully as do some of their foreign rivals.— En. Spectator,]