4 JANUARY 1834, Page 10



The Money Market Inv: not been in so excited a state during the last few days as it xV:14 during the last week. The fluctuation in Consols has not exceeded per cent., 90i; having been the highest and 694 the lowest quotation. Ex- chequer Bills are at 45 46 prem. Money has been in demand during the last three or four days, and 5 per cent. has been readily obtainable on loans for short periods. This pressure is owing to the numerous payments into the Exchequer which are consequent on the close of the quarter, and will be removed by the issue of the January Dividends in the early part of next week. A notice has been issued by the East India Company, stating their intention to pay off all the claims DIROI the Nabobs of the Carnatic, winch are registered in London, and usually known as Carnatic Stock. This measure is adopted by the Company as a means of employing the large capital, which, by the extinction of its character as a trading community, has been diverted from the channels of commerce. The amount of Stock which will be cancelled before the 5th July is about

1,4i00,000/. Opinions vary as to the effect of this operation upon the circula-

thin of the country : by some it is considered as unimportant ; while the con- trary opinion, that an unhealthy impulse will thus be given to mercantile speeu- lat ion, is entertained. We believe that any effect it may produce can be but tern • poetry, as the altered circumstances of the Company have not created capital, but merely &, iler! it from its ordinary channels. In the Foreign Market, the fluctuation has been limited, and the business trans- acted of no great magnitude. Dutch 21- and 5 per Cents, still continue in de- for Holland, in consequence of the firmness of the market at Amsterdam. The other European Stocks are also nearly at the prices of last week. A slight improvement has taken place in the, Portuguese Bonds ; which were on Wed- nesday done in private bargains on the Royal Exchange (it being a holyday at the Stock Exchange), at 57i. To-clay the price is hover, viz. The intelligence from Lisbon is of the same character as our recent advices: the armies were still in presence of each other, and no military operations had taken place. Spanish Stock was on Tuesday at 24; but has since been at and Is now 23,11 ;L:. Mexican Bonds are still at 37:1 ; and Columbian Stock at


The Market presents a firmer appearance this morning, but the transactions have been few. Consols for Account are 90A Exchequer Bills, 46 47 prem. The proposed liquidation of the Carnatic Stock has produced a favourable effect on India Stock, the price of which to day is 248 249. The holders of the first description of securities being principally retired Anglo.Indians, this transfer of capital to the East India Stock is easily accounted for. In the Foreign Market, little worthy of notice has occurred, and prices generally are the same as yester- day. Spanish Stock has been demanded ; several purchases have given firm- ness to the market, and the price is now 2;31 er. We are informed that this im- provement is owing to the Committee of Bondholders having at last succeeded m getting an appointment for an interview with Mr. Vim., the Spanish Am- bassador, which is to take place to-day at two o'clock ; speculations on the success of which have led to the purchases referred to.


Nothing of moment has occurred during the afternoon. Consols for Account close at 90,i A. India Stock is quoted higher, viz. -249 250. The business of the Foreign Market has been chiefly confined to a few transactions in Spanish Stock, which closes at 23 .

3 per Cent. Consols shut Belgian 5 per Cents.. 95161 Ditto for Account.. 90/ 1 Brazilian 51'S ('Is..,. 6;1 New 34 p, Ct. Ann.. shut Danish 3 per Cents.. ';'3

Bank Stock 212 Dutch 2i per Cents. .4900

arm:icon fi pia Cents... 371 8 Portuguese 5 p. Cts... 57* 0. Regency Sc. 5 p•Ct. 561 7 Prussian (IM) S p. Ct. -