4 JANUARY 1840, Page 14

The Moniteur of Sunday contains long and circumstantial accounts of

contests which took place on the 14th and 15th instant, near Belida, between General Rulhieres and the Arabs, in which the latter were routed and sabred. The French lost five men each day. The rumour was that they had gained a more important success on the 18th ; but this seems not to be confirmed.

M. Duchatel, the Minister of the Interior, declares that the Duke of Bordeaux's presence in Rome caused no uneasiness to the French Go- vernment, as the Pupal city was alwap considered as an asylum. If this be true, it is curious that the trench Ambassador should have demanded from the Pope the sending away of Henri the Filth.—Illoraing Post.

The editor of the Paris Charivari, who was on Saturday tried for a seditious libel, was acquitted. The Marquis De Crony Chattel, who lately made Isis escape from the Conciergerie, surrendered himself on Saturday.

The weather had been very stormy at Constantinople, and news had reached that capital that thirty-two vessels had been lost during the night of the 2(1 instant. The three steamers from Trebizond had been delayed in their voyages, and one was even said to be lost.