UP to the close of the year the demand for money was active, and na business was done anywhere below the Bank minimum of 3 per cent. Occasionally even higher terms were asked. With the commencement of 1862, however, the pressure has subsided, and the general tendency is towards increased ease. Everything appears to betoken a very abundant supply of capital, with probably lower rates of discount. On the Stock Exchange money was also in demand in the beginning of the week, and loans on Government securities were charged 2/1- to 3 per cent. The terms, however, have since receded to to 2 per cent
Other Government securities have been in fair demand, the Indian 'th last week, Consols are quoted 14 per cent. higher, the price both or money and the present account being 924, 4. The next settlement fixed for the 6th of February, and the final transactions for that eriod were at 924, 4. Five per Cent. Stock continuing especially buoyant, and closing at 4.06 1064, or 24 per cent. higher than last Friday. Foreign Stocks have likewise shown buoyancy, particularly Turkish
tne,..W a relapse on the unsatisfactory intelligence from Mexico of the ix tper Cents. Mexican also improved, but subsequently experi- jection by the Congress of a convention respecting the bondholders' )aims which had been arranged between the English Ambassador and e Government. The Certificates of the confiscated interest on the Spanish debt have been in request, from a belief that the Madrid Go- . ernment will have shortly to do something towards satisfying these s.
i The Railway market has advanced with Consols. Midland, Lanes. shire and Yorkshire Caledonian, and one or two other stocks, were ih
especially W buoyant, being very scarce for transfer. The principal ape- , aters for a fall have also been baying in to close their accounts.
he rise has been fully maintained, and the market remains with a . trong appearance. Co as and Foreign descriptions have also improved, Canadian more particularly. American securities have been little influenced by the later news, but are occasionally higher.
Colonial Government Debentures have all risen, Canadian Five per Cents being now quoted 96 to 98. The arrivals of specie this week have been 449,000/. from the West Indies, 53,0001. from Brazil, and 80,0001. from New York. The exports include 50,0001. to Ilalifax on Government account. A sum of 121,8104 will also be sent to the East by the packet of to-morrow. About 10,0001. in gold was bought by the Bank to-day, At a meeting of the London Dock Company this afternoon, a divi- dend was declared for the six months ending last November, of 14 per cent. The business during that period was stated to have been satisfactory.
The news from America caused a considerable rise in the funds, which a reaction took place that was only partiaL Compared