BRITISH S. (Closing Prices.) 2 per Gent Consols 921 Ditto for Account 92 3 per Cents Reduced 91 New 3 per Cents 914 Annuities 1880 — Annuities 1885 — Friday Bank Stock, 5 per Cent 286 India Stock, 101 per Cent
Exchequer Bills, 2d. per diem ... 18 pm Exchequer Bonds, 5001 13 pm India Bonds, 4 per Cent dis FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening..
Austrian. ' 5p. Ct.
— Belgian 41 — — Ditto 24 — — Brazilian. 5 -- — Buenos Ayres 6 —
Chilian 6 — — Danish .5 —
Ditto 3 — — Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) 24 — — Ditto 4 — — French 3 — French 41p. Ct
Mexican .3 - 27; Peruvian. 44 - — ° Portuguese 1853 3 - 45
Russian 5 984
Sardinian 5
Spanish 3 504 Ditto New Deferred. 3 414 Ditto Passive 164 Turkish 6 794 Venezuela. 8 — 224 SH ARES.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Bristol and Exeter
Caledonian 1034 Chester and Holyhead
Eastern Counties 54 Edinburgh and Glasgow 91 Glasgow and South-Western...
Great Northern 114 Great South. and West. Ireland 103 Great Western 691 Lancashire and Yorkshire 1084 Lancaster and Carlisle 200 Load., Brighton, & South Coast 1164 London and Blackwell 56 I,,ondon and North-Western.... 931 London and South-Western ... 94
Manchester,Sheffield & LiEC0b1
Midland 1814 Midland Gt. Western (Ireland)
North British
North-Eastern—Berwick 102 North-Eastern—York 91 Oxford, Wor.& Wolverhampton
Scottish Central
Scottish Midland
fienth-Eastern and Dover 771 Eastern of France
Ban Indian 1001 Geelong and Melbourne
Grand Trunk of Canada 20 Great Indian Peninsulas 99 Great Western of Canada 10 Paris and Lyons
Brazilian Imperial
Ditto St. John del Rey 524 Cobra Copper
Rhymney Iron
Australasian 604 British North American 47 City 74 Colonial
Commercial of London
• Engl. Scottish & AustraLChrtd. 174 London
London and County 874 Lend. Chrtd. Bank of Australia 244 London Joint Stock 331 London and Westminster 694 National Bank
National Provincial
New South Wales
Oriental 514 Ottoman 18 Provincial of Ireland
South Australia 814 Union of Australia 384 Union of London 28 Unity
East and West India 1244 London 591 St. Katharine
Australian Agricultural .....
British American Land
Canada. 100 Crystal Palace 311 Electric Telegraph
General Steam 264 London Discount
National Discount 44 Peninsular and Oriental Steam
Royal Mail Steam 474 South Australian