All National Stocks have continued very inactive throughout the week.
In prices, however, very few changes have taken plaCe, the fall having been confined to 41- per cent. Yesterday Consols, for money, closed at 92 exactly, and for the account, 92 to 92} ; Reduced and New Three per Cents., 91i, ; Exchequer Bills, 25s. to 28s. prem. ; India Bonds, 30s. to 40s. prem. ; India Five per Cents., 110g, 111k. Bank Stock has marked 239, 241. In the Foreign House the transactions have been limited, and the quotations have had a drooping tendency. There has been rather more doing in the Railway Share Market, and prices have been well supported. The demand for money has slightly increased, but the quotation for the best short paper have remained at 1-1-, 2 per cent. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is 22,061,728/. ; in the Bank of France, 39,323,289/.