The quarrel between Chili and Argentina smoulders still. . The
" protocol " which was to settle everything so satis- factorily has been signed, but nothing is settled more than before. Both Republics are calling out troops, and in Buenos Ayres the mob is indignant that there should even be negotiations. In Chili the mob is better in hand, and the conscription makes men regard war with gravity, but we can see no sign of willingness to waive any claim. Both States are obviously waiting for something, it may be a message from Washington, or it may be the arrival of ships and munitions ; but both are careful to keep open pretexts for quarrel. The real cause is, of course, unalterable. Chili wishes to sweep the Andes• out' of her path, and Argentina suspects that she is ready and able to do it. Chili therefore is reluctant to disarm, and Argentina is afraid.