THE General Election has ended, as we hoped and believed it would, in an overwhelming victory for the Coalition Government. When the votes were counted on Saturday last, it was found that in every part of Great Britain the patriotism and good sense of the British people had prevailed over the schismatics, the intriguers, and the revolutionaries. The Nation expressed its gratitude to the Government who have brought the war to a triumphant end, and its abhorrence of those who by their weakness or bad faith had obstructed the road to Peace with Victory. Mr. Lloyd George's Ministry was given a new lease of power with the largest majority of recent times. Four hundred and eighty-four Members out of seven hundred and seven in the new House are pledged to support the Coalition, which thus has a majority of two hundred and sixty-two, as the result in one constituency, Kennington, is not yet known. Forty-eight Independent Unionists and two mem- bers of the National Party, and many of the Labour Members, may be expected to support the Government on all national issues, so that the Coalition's majority for practical purposes will be about four hundred.