vat "SPCCUT01.") SUI,—May I plead for the substitution of the word " repara- tion" for that of "indemnity "P So much depends on the use of words that the importance of choosing a discreet one can hardly be exaggerated. No doubt " indemnity " and "repara- tion " are really synonymous terms, but as commonly used they are not so: the use of the former word provokes in some people a spirit of vengeance and greed. I do not suggest "reparation" as a milder word, but as one lass liable to be misunderstood. By all means let us make the enemy pay all that he possibly can without being bled to death. But the "pound of Hash" policy is as unwise as it ie un-Christian. Surely a nation who, having the enemy at its mercy, delights in showing no mercy, is—if we may personify it—as much a end and a brute as a man who, having downed his adversary, proceeds to kick and trample on him till he dies.—I am, Sir,