WORKS ox REFERENCE. — The Post Office London Diredory, (Kelly's Directories,
61s.), having long outgrown the dimen- sions of a single volume which could be described as handy or even portable, appears for 1919 in the hundred and twentieth annual issue as a set of three substantial quartos, any one of which an ordinary person can lift. The first volume contains official matters, the street directory, the " Court " section, and the professions ; the second deals with commerce and trades, and the third with the suburbs within the County of London— a definition which excludes, of course, a number of London suburbs. The change of form is a vast improvement ; in other respects the indispensable book could hardly be improved.— The Fleet Annual and Nasal Year Book, 1918, compiled by Mr. Lionel Yexley (Chapman and Hall, 4s. 6d. net), contains a summary of the war to the end of June, a bare list of the ships of the Royal Navy in November, some interesting information on naval matters, and many photographs. It is a pity that the editor was not able to complete his history of the naval war down to the great surrender of the enemy Fleet—The Churchman's Y car Book and Encyclopaedia, 1919 (Mowbray,2s. 6d. net) is a useful publication, now in its eleventh year, which includes a ' compact Anglican " Who's Who," general information on many ecclesiastical subjects arranged alphabetically, and a section indicating the nature of the church services in many parishes.