In Ireland, as every one expected, the Nationalist Party was
annihilated, and no honest man will grieve at its fate. The Sinn Feiners, who openly avow the desire for Secession which the Nationalists cherished but dared not express, won all but six of the Nationalist seats. Outaide Plater there is but a single Nationalist Member, Captain Redmond, who held Waterford City by a small majority, In Ulster five Nationalists, including Mr. Devlin, secured seats, largely through the intervention of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, who feared lest the Unionists should profit by a fight between Nationalism and Sinn Fein. Mr. Dillon in his old stronghold in East Mayo was defeated by Mr. De Valera, w•ho polled two votes to his one. Sinn Fein won in all 73 seats. The Iriah Unionists, who profited by the increase of representation at last conceded to North-East Meter, and' who also won a seat in Dublin, now number 25 Members. The issue in Ireland between Loyalty and Seceesionsie now elev.