The women candidates, sixteen Ma% failed to secure election, with
the unfortunate exception.of the firm Felner,the Countess Markieviez, who was returned. for.Sie..Patrick's,.. Dublin, by a majority of 4,083 over Mr. W. Field, the veteran Nationalist. It appears, however, that, as Count Markievicz has not been naturalized, his wife is technically a Pole, and therefore Is disqualified from sitting_ in the House of Commons. Miss Parkhurst, who was beaten by 776 votes by a Labour man at Smethwick, and Mrs. Anderson, who was 1,333 votes behind the successful Liberal in the Stourbridge division; came nearest to winning. Neither of them received more than a portion of the women's vote. Here, as in Australia and America, it is apparent that the women voters have no special desire to return women Members to Parliament. The women,. who voted in large numbers, were concerned mainly to emphasize the verdict of the men for the Government and against the Patificists.-