Last Saturday's papers contained an interesting account of the visit
of Vice-Admiral Browning, with the Allied Naval Com- mission, to the German naval bases and air stations. Our naval
officers insisted on probing the enemy's secrets on the mysterious coast described in Mr. Childers's Riddle of the Sonde. They found some scores of submarines nearing completion which the enemy had not reported, and required the evasive Germans to sur- render them. H.M.S. ' Hercules,' having visited Kiel, made a triumphant return by way of the Rid Canal. After this, we imagine, the inhabitants of Northern Germany will recognize that they have been defeated in the u-ar. It is worthy of note that the members of the Commiasion, who travelled far and wide. found no signs of privation among the people. Dr. Solfs appeal for the starving Germans was, we fear, only one more of Germany's calculated mendacities.