Pichon, who spoke before M. Clemenceau, told the French Chamber
that the Government reserved full liberty of discussion in regard to the frontier of Alsace, in the interests of justice and s:curity. He referred, cf course, to the Sarre Valley. M. lichen stated that he had made an agreement with Great Britain as to Syria and Cilicia, for submission to the Peace Conference. In Russia the Allied policy was to protect the C'kraine, the Caucasus, and Siberia from Bolshevik infection. "The Allied plan," M. Clemenceau had said, "was to form an eeonomitt ring round BoLsherism." Any offensive against the Bolsheviks in Great Russia must be undertaken by the Russians themselves. But the Bolsheviks should be cut off from their German allies and prevented front slaughtering their neighbours. The policy is sound enough, but its execution seems to hang fire.