The Council of Six reigning, if not ruling, at Berlin
has Aril its three Independent Socialist members and replaced them by two Majority Socialists. Herr Etrert•'s party now monopolizes the Council and the Committee of Delegates, to which the Council is nominally responsible. The two Socialist Parties quarrelled anew as the result of some street-fighting on Christmas Eve, when the Majority Socialists invited troops to expel a body of sailors front the Imperial Palace. The fighting was indecisive. as the sailors did not go atray, but some lives were lost. Herr Liebkneeht tried to make party capital out of the affair by denouncing Herr Ebert and his friemls as assassins. The Inde- pendent Socialists, disliking the use of force but unwilling to accept Herr Liebknecht's Bolshevik creed, evaded their diffi- culties by leaving the self-appointed Government. It is becoming more and more apparent that the Army still controls the situation, and that the Berlin Bolsheviks are a minority.