SIR,—On the evidence of such resentment as he displays in
his letter to the Spectator on December 28, few will dispute that Mr. Czeslaw Jesman is endowed with some unlovely traits of Character-- ingratitude, ignorapce, bigotry and the lack of a sense of humour prominent among them. It may help him in his suffering to remember that the Eighth Army had better things to do than to pander to the- susceptibilities of the Egyptian peasantry.
Your correspondent's name suggests that he-bene- Tits, at least temporarily, from the hospitality of this country. He should try to bear in mind that the gentleman who, in his will, thanked God that he was horn an Englishman reflected the firm viewpoint of 99 per cent. of the pppulation of this country, a viewpoint which is unlikely to be punctured by out- bursts of impotent rage resulting from some minor social snub.—Yours faithfully, ststcol.M MURRAY-BROWN
43 Holly Avenue. Jesmond, Neu'enstic-on-Tyne 2