HEROD SIR; I have read with interest Bishop .Wand's re-
view of Stewart Perowne's Hero./ the Great in your issue of December 21; but think he may at one point at least have confused Herod who slaughtered the Innocents (reigned 37 tic to 4 at. at the end of which • period Our Lord was born) with Herod Antipas, his son, slayer of John the Baptist and of James ('grue- some illness' fits him--`eaten of wormS'). But perhaps I am mistaken.--Yours faithfully, J. W, WES'IWOOD Bramsford, Hereford Road, Monmouth
[Bishop Wand writes: 'Is it possible that Mr. Westwood himself is confusing the two Helm's? Herod the Great also died of a 'gruesome illness.' A scientific but lurid description. of it is given in pp. 185-6 of Stewart Perowne's hook.'----Editor, Spec- tator.)