Jaspistos superstars
Sir: Familiarity breeds . . . well, curiosity. Week after week, the same names pop up as winners or honourable mentions in the competition — Tingley, Norman, Petty and that ilk — the Jaspistos superstars, as the Faldo, Norman, Watson of golf.
Who are these people? Are they retired pensioners with nothing else to do or busy execs of brilliant bons mots? Do they rush to their mail boxes for the latest Spectator, rip to the last page but two to find their week's assignment, or are they wildly clever raconteurs-in-waiting who dash off their offerings in an hour and tot up their annual number of trophies against each other?
Perhaps Jaspistos should invite the rest of us proles to invent an entry about them. Christina Griffin
Consulate General of the United States of America, Via Principe Amedeo 2/10, 20121 Milan, Italy