At length a general order has been issued from the
Horse Guards in consequence of the numerous assaults committed in the streets and in public-houses by soldiers with their side-arms. The older runs to this effect— "The General Conanuttiding-haChief is determined to put an effectual stop to dangerous and disgraceful an offence, by the punishment nail degradation of every soldier who shall hew:titer be convicted of it.
." Tu. this end, Lord desires, tlite commanding ollierrs of reeiMettig 1111d dam potS Mill bring to summary trial, for nosoldier like arid disgracofill e011■1■,el.eVery tuna who shall be reported io haveutrai tu, Or :W19111004 to drams. tim lotolittl, mr Ili:, pus - pose or tisina it against another person, lit any cote of divot,. :array, or itotoftronee. " I Ii', Lordship farther desires, lhat ire soldier einflilleil 1/10:1' cwirt•martial of louing lists!, or trat,,,,I,list 1,, II,, his side :Ira, ill iU or the 1,1,1, 111.1,1it eminent. plated, may. tim elan no toll., ',madonna ummmi mt hy the a,., ,.„1i „„ thu juridic parole. ill 1.1,11i 111. re.liment Imm W111(111 Ile 1111101:, 111 111•1104liven 'tripped or las isoonet au,: atonal -am, an I roelairst liv 11:0 .111011.:11.:1■ by to be intrusted o Olt the Cale 0111iS ha \ Oilet,eXCept iil I lie 1 1111:,, 111111er the \ *wit :1114 mimutitmitut IAiii, Oilierr.
" III mit S!1,1t er■e:. the Shall be Sirippgsl srsde ;trot: by ill, pioneers, iii imaa toetiminee ids ite_fradatiali. Ii 'ut., t •diall mit a.• 'itti h to 11,1 Ii, 1/ Ipalel Or 11:11.011111 1,11, e!se,•la ii 1mmmmm,or y. tor tele' ear 11,■111 I l• 11.11e 4.1. It:: mlJmlml, LI, tbiCir.; which tirEit. It, 11.111 be.11.11i..1 t.‘ ••r) itlitol,amer to mm 1 the
soliiier I, mar 1-.1; aiiit shall III:111111 Ill ellm111•11, 111 OW 1111%, ii lieu i•• :11 •
11:1111e shall n10100%01. IIIPsle•I 1111 ill ■•■•1■-1rtS10,I, OW 1. 1k.,,,111; 11111 011:111/10!. 10 ‘11111l11 lie 1/1•11/11;.:14, 011 the biltri11•1■•■4:11.1•, nut1,11 the doos the crtaol • house :not CrilIeell."
Mr. Roebuck published an injudiviotts and abusive " pamphlet " on Saturday last, in reply to the stilettoes which his attack Olt the l'ress iii (Ile I lutist! Of Commons had provoked. Ilk paper was full 01 blunders and misrepresentation ; and ha% Mg, among others, made tree wick Mr. Albany Foiffilaiique :Lod Mr. Steriing, both these gentlemen demanded and received:1mph: apologies from the imiliplileteering Mem- ber for 13ath.
O'Connell is said to have refused a special retainer in one of the Dublin Courts of 500 guineas, al:vging that "he could not be
lit our Universities, it has long been customary for the tutors of colleges to make make a profit of their pupils, by reconimeedittg par- tiro lar nadesincit to them. The students do not pay their bills to the respective tradesmen, but to the tutors ; who do not, however, hand over the money so received to those to W110111 it is due, but retain it in ibm ir hands for one, two, or three years, to profit by the inr-rest, or Othi rIXISC. A tutor of one of the C;a:ffiridee colleges, notorious for his dilatoriness in paying the tradesmen of his pupils, has lately ac- cepted a living. Being peculiarly distinguished Kw his professions of veil him a safe, though a very
aanctity, the tradesmen, perhaps, coneei
ng-winded depository. But patience has its limits ;. and the trades- men became clamorous for the money iseeived by him in what may be
called the charaeter of their agent. their astonishment, however, his solicitor has recently called a nwetioa of them, and made it state- ment to them, loon width it appears that, in Ids double capavitv of trustee and agent for them, he has received little short of 20,0110/., anti that lie can produce effects to meet their claims a lath will not pay 5s.
in the pound. some of the untOrtimate tradesmen the conse-
quences will be almost ruinous. 'The tutor in question was a great; l'onser%-ative; and haviug, i utcotnnion with other tutors professing, the same opinions, patronized the tradesmen who voted for his friend Sir Edward Suellen, the sufferers are all supporters of the Conserva- tive cause ; which has thus received a severe blow through