4 JULY 1835, Page 10

Don Miguel is at present living at Pinto d ' Anzio, a

small unhealthy village on the coast of the Roman states.

For some time past, the attention of the Parisian public has been much more occupied with the details of a criminal trial now going on at the Palais de Justice than with the affair of the April insurgents, or i with any political matter whatever. The principal party accused s a M. de la Ponciere, the son of a General Officer of that name, who is chotaa with having 'woken into the house of General de Alorell, the Go et ri-r, of the 1.lihitarv SeitOoi at Samnur —to hare entered the bed-

roma . :a :yowls, lic 'le :11orell, the f ;Lateral's daughter, a young ladv

of ..„, ,.t, yew:, of age—and to have committed the tryst atrocious . a Ler p: I -ow for the purpo.o, it is said, of revenging him- or Cot haiing turned him mit of his house. 1 he evor h•.ert ....111,.;; it to a sort in catalepsy, 5111011 • ! v at intervals in a state %i 1, Ai it is pos•ilde to obtain her It was, ill consequent•e,:i1:, r tot lye taeloek last night that • t into 1,1 Ft and deposed to the facts with %%hick .M. tie .! I, !,11( Iil I iii i.i-1, titer, Nvilo.e ha.; " Ii ;.;.110' 1..11101e0;),c,ilee;11, I'll Priday last.

as bated in the !.t..itat fill le letter 1,k intention, and had sent his last will :t accounts it say that the plague hail colt- d both in dot city ;old Cairo. , • hiaties at Piaci:ft:a and at "tisk rtlato. Trifling as tic. „i -.tan Government is anximisly endeavouring to raise a Ict•ti ion;' t.th . antaaeutts as are the offer:, bidders have not been Ton • t Cnneopthot, itt Chili, was destroyed by an et,rthtlattlie

on t I, ,1 I It coi,taineq alwnt itihaloitictIts, tif '1,- "I• 1 , Only of any sift tent:tins