The Earl of Durham has been appointed to the important embassy to Russia : and he kissed hands and took leave of his Majesty at the Levee on Wednesday. This appointment will make manifest to the Continental despots the essential distinction between the foreigat policy of the Melbourne and Peel Ministries : Lord Londonderry, it will be remembered, was the chosen of Peel; but the national Repre- aentatives put their veto on the appointment.
The Coarier states, that Mr. Seymour, the Sergemit-at-Arms to the House of Commons, is about to retire from his post; and that he will be succeeded by Sir William Gossett, whose office of Secretary to the Lord -Lieutenant of Ireland is to be tilled by Lieutenant In [mini um!. [Why is the Tory Sir William Gossett to be appointed one ot the Li- beral Ilouse of Commons officers? and what claim have these Gossetts to be supported at all out of the public purse? It' we mistake not, there are several ladies of the Gossett family on the Pension-list.]
The Miami of the Order of St. Patrick, vacant by the death of the Earl of Courtown, has been conferred on the Earl of Cork.
Sir Robert Buckley Comyn is appointed to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Madras, in the place of Sir Ralph Palmer, resigned.
The office of Steward or Cursitor of' the county Palatine of Dur- ham has become vacant, by the demise of the Honourable Captain Barrington, brother to Viscount Barrington, and son-in-law to Earl Grey. He has left an infant family.
We mentioned in our second impression last week, that the Drog-
heda Election Committee bad decided that Mr. O'Dwyer was not, and that Mr. Randall Plunkett was duly elected for Drogheda. The ilforning Chronicle says—" The Committee was composed of ten Tory 14Iembers and one Liberal; yet they were so divided on the question, that the duty devolved on Mr. Gotilburn, the ( 'hairman, to give a cast- ing rote against the sitting Member !" Mr. O'Dwyer is deemed to have tinet with very hard treatment ; and it was proposed to raise a subscrip- tion to defray the expense of his two elections, and the two petitions against him ; but he has publicly declined the proffered assistance. The people of Drogheda are now represented by a person whotn they rejected by a majority of more than two one.