:1I.111111.1.GEg, ANI1 11E.1TILS. vaunts.
on on, eant att., at Wilolnit.h.the I.ady of C ipt• rwm, vv. I IFS, Hopi: Um:Mem s„ of a son. On the :2-1th tat., in Richmond Terrace, the T ady of t).'.vuru llont II I 'ON, 17•01., 0r o.
son. On the .290t oat., nt Ittintwielc Home, in the connt y of Cloncester, the Lady of W.
II. II YE I r, Esq., of a son, MA It 111 50
On the I is inst., at St. Jaw:: Chore!), I .,11 Stu-m•n htIAII`r of the Doko
of Richt:1.ml. to )I .s A. CAMPSi r.r„ ler I. Charlotte Bury, aril sister of
Lally Tull:enure. 'titr:ro, the lion T11,,I.111)
(hi the ¶1 ItIt late at St. Gettr?.•'-
Rodarv, sou of *lie 1,1,' 1.oril o hler of -the late Lieut.-
Cot. Shipley.
On the .25th lat.. at Nt:tiL t:
I,,!! e 1...,r; of d,.:,:hhT of the Vrner.Ne ArA,h Ili•hop of No..,
Ott the :WC. 0 . at All so 1 . 1 eldest son ,,r ,• • or I b • 0, 1 • .
11101:i !! . • C i '1.• I I • ..1
tn'irtil Sir throrze I Ittiati :tt: ' • the I! : (hi the '24 inst., at St. I
NIART t:EultsINA CO-rEs,eldt,t ' 1.1Ny., the Is ire or Sir [atm!, A• '.•,. Admiral Samuel V. ittewrooge 'lie lull.
On the 2:01t on., at his seat in Scot:and. EVAN It.% IY.T cd Ilneltfear,
On the 2.=,tli lilt., in th., It• On the 24th tilt., at Peckham. Solt y P:::•rtr, youngest daughter of the lot,' Reno, On the 1.0tIt 111L, at NItitla 11111, 7.1r. Josrell MANTON, lit hiS7Cth year. the sealet fever, G FOtt,i1ANA CARO.
shire, in his 9511u year. On the 9,1 inst., at her home in the Ifan.1,:ttly SY' ia. in her SIst year. Oil the 1st inst., very ESq., of I lackney, only sarvi. ving brother of the late Mr. Gilbert Wakefield. On the 97t11 ult., at Devonport, Mr. C1101, Es MAT!' r Ws, Concelebrated comedian.
On the lot, inst., at Shepherd's Bush, Mr. S. Ilmist Eli juutur, Ilarth,lotnew Close, In his 35ai year. On the 241 inst., at Brixton Ili% BLIZAULTII ANN, wife of Nicholas !ganglion, Esq., in her 234 year. ;', 1k, Captain the TTon. I ...filer awl Stew Ira tit' the
• • : out F. N N F. SCI 1 oghter of thin Lunt
I v 1' It , (1;1.111;okt v, , M P „Pr Ilnek•
tIta: Mtn' "I Ihe late A4- -1 the late I ot.1 initairch tie, Lient.3 ioo, to .■ Mat: t Cotes.