most trivial description, out of mere complaisance to his opponents. Sir Roimer PeEL vveuld deem it absolute drivelling
plainly, that his too great faciliiy, his readiness to kill points ere the Gevertmleot. There is now a feeline of alarm tuol un-
laugh in sleevt s at his folly, and are careful to turn it to
tlair adveutitee. It is straage that Lord J OlIN does not COs the
use width is inade of needless conceesioes to the Tory h telers. Does las 1;; ye rcad the Twy joHrlIals ? Is he nut aware that
et en' 1`,•011:iSe to " e■;I:sicler favourably the sugeestions of Sir Ptanuer Pi i. or I ol STANLIN, is at c; ;('e laid hold of by their maans, as a proof of Miois'erial hicapocity. al.d of the nucessity which Ciovernmout is under of' appl; lug to its oi■ponents for assist- ance and advice? We do not say that good suggestions should
be rejLeted merely bemuse they are made tioni the Opposst:un bel.rhes: but every piece of advice which comes tit ii thet quarter, hould tst first be rug:allied as a si.are, and trented :Is such, iostead I bf being welcomed as a useful contributnni to1v:Irds the improve- ,, , lecet el :illy Miuistei ial measure. In nioely -nine cases out of a
huLdred, it, 'Will be found that there is some sinister design to be accomplished Is 'fury proposab, however pltlusibly they Way be
out forward.
Lt is not 1111 1% by Isis manner of receiviug-, and in some in-
stimees adopting the propositions of the enemy, that Lot4 .1ouN 11.1::-sEr.t. in.;tires the goud call,(., end prio.-okes his it ii friemls.
lie nut unlaquently falls into the trap Nvisich is baited bv an art-
'id question. Thus, VII Wedlletlilly, SiE HENRY ILUMINGE IRO-
l'ezed great anxiety to learn what Loid JOHN ths;ught or the conduct of' the military at Wolverhamptoa; and the aiinistelial apors that disastrous coast:lilt:flees are exptaa.ted to arise from it who has served
mention an instance of a Tory Minister yielding a poolt of the in the at my. and is acceptuble to all Fillies, might haveaullooti .tttir; Pointed to the common& Ile is one of the few lebernna Fife-hire aristocracy : but the Guvernment overlooked i!te.clatirs of Leal RoToEs, gretity the Pod hossLyN by promoto"OIi S to run the slightest risk of offending any of his regular supporters prote.6 ! We s.oppose, if a vacaney should occur in the 11.0..0-- for the sake of pleasing. Lord Jon al ItessEL L. When Sir RonEer Lieu ienoucy of Fili-.11ire, Lord Jon N vsaEL L would IICV'er think gives way, it is either because he fees his giound to be untenable,
of appointing Mr. ROBEter MA: U oral to the ace lit oflIce—for
or because he. has an object to gain Ily seetning soaol-nature.,_ Mr. FEeue-ust is a good Whig, one of the la 'gest landed pro-
III our derailment of Scottish new:t %rill be found ao acconut of the manner in which Lad Jou Ituss!.:1 I. has disposel of :iona.:
which he ought to maintain, has excited scrams dissatisfaction otitis Church pattenage. 11e has in ii is instance also Una- :11110111, a large body of the most tegular and ilkisstewAcil suprort- nagol to ire ,l'eat offenee, and his to ii requires exphinatien.
Lied .1 N Mast It with tile ,.e Scotelonen : they z.re not easIlie,;s in the Liberal phalanx: henever he rises to reply to au' solic:tations c.,f the Tories. It is allpreliellavd that Ise may aban- don what he ought to hold fast—that he will throw his own fiietals overlu,:ml, in the sdly attunspt to uotieliae foes, Who
aeon-fouled to such treatment, and will not endure it.
11-t, lia‘-e now said :ill we this.k it neeessary 16 say at present on this usil:ratefill topic. (Jot' reit:arks have been ffic:ated by a sincere wish to net a friendly part toe. aids the aliitistry, and their organ in the Nouse it ti !HUMUS; whese exteinive acquirements, and talents as a deb.der and it slate.•Ar.aa, furl W11,se 11.1- heralL‘lo we v:ere 'IA.\ Ur more dispesiel fo admit than at the pre- sent time. I 3tit it lila beemne importaut to vvern lion, that the unrnest s opines ef the lemertneas is 1111 1110:0 ilh];11 tuna Al
lion;od wor(1% from Sir Ito:natl. er even the Handishmeats .....osn-e coteries. No limansi can .1:-..pect 1..ord I.f 1l
;Lo N ItUSSIA.1. Ii 1.:;:avhery, or re.11 intliiroreuce 1:he good cause.
But he is—perbaps censtitutionatly—apatnetse. lic does rizA take suilleient ttoolie to make Isisn-:elf ma :ter of :: qii,:tion in all
its beari.:gs. It V. fl.i:Al :02111 I::ti 1::. 11.1:4 I:0t IZI::1 11,11Wii rule., and prineipies tor the ewatuet a his t':e!,nriinet:t. If he hal, the IJIIIMICIS that. 11:1Ve l'uen venuniitol v..,,:ii,i 1:;,Vel* LAM! Warred.
This apathy, this arisfreottiv, II:eh-1de.! indifn-xuce to matters ot. husincs:, is a serioils faint iti a hiidieg 7■1iniste.. of --4iaie. We OIL sure that Lord Jowl H usseLL has discernm,2:1 eaose,11 to
see its inju.iuus 4:onset's:es:cos ms the C,,vernmetst ut I% hich Fe is so inmost nit a member : anil %ve hope that Ite has soine.c!.t mon- tal energy to overcemo it, ai.:1 theieb; av( id tho sis,:%r s which ore
laid for hint by parties who-e eoency tied item ...e.ei.te: he perk:11.a
little suspects.